
A cli tool to visualise how multiple clients connection to a timescaledb instance can impact query performance.

Primary LanguagePython

Timescale assignment


To install the depedencies, you need poetry. To install poetry go here: https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation Then run this

poetry install

Now you need to have the test timescale instance running. For this you can use the makefile which wrap docker command. (Note I use sudo to interact with the docker deamon) Follow those steps:

  1. Build the docker image
make build
  1. Run the postgres server
make run

Now you have everything to test the tool.

Use the cli tool

Once you have poetry and installed the depedencies you can run the tool with this command:

poetry run python src/timescale/main.py process setup-files/query_params.csv -w <number of process>

The tool only support a filepath as an input. If the csv file is in good shape and hold correct timestamp, the tool will output this:

Starting computations with 12 process

        Stats accross all queries:
            Number of queries performed: 200
            Time to perform all queries: 0.10700366800301708
            Minimum query time: 0.0013296249962877482
            Maximum query time: 0.010922279994701967
            Mean query time: 0.0025623715747497043
            Median query time: 0.0023742880002828315


To run the unittests, you need to complete the installation steps then use this command:

poetry run pytest


  • The tool complete its purpose which is to show that the median query time is similar accross different numbers of psql clients.
  • Plus the CLI does split the query in different process as the overall time to perform the queries is cut in half. (time for 2 workers compared to 4)