Loading some data views
Loading the outcome vector
Multi-view clustering using HCfused. Let's cluster the views using the ward.D method.
k = length(unique(target))
res = HCmv(list(view1, view2), k=k, method="ward.D")
The fused cluster solution can be obtained from
cl = res$cluster
Note, when no k (number of clusters) is set, the optimal number of clusters is inferred by the silhouette coefficient.
Let's check the performance based on the Adjusted R Index (ARI)
ARI(cl, target)
NMI(cl, target)
The fused affinity matrix can be accesed via
affinityMatrix = res$P
which can be clustered by any clustering algorithm
distanceMatrix = 1 - affinityMatrix
fused = hclust(as.dist(distanceMatrix), method="average")
cl = cutree(fused, k=k)
Let's check the performance based on the Adjusted R Index (ARI)
ARI(cl, target)
NMI(cl, target)
You may want to use your own clustering algorithm and employ laste fusion using the hierarchical fusion algorithm HCfuse.
For instance, lets assume we have two cluster solutions cl1 and cl2.
cl1 = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
cl2 = c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3)
Now, we need to create the co-association matrices
ass1 = association(cl1)
ass2 = association(cl2)
These two binary matrices can be fused.
res = HCfuse(list(ass1, ass2))
affinityMatrix = res$NETWORK
The resulting affinity matrix can then be clustered by any clustering algorithm.
First, we need to define the fitness function for the genetic algorithm.
# Fitness function for genetic algorithm
check_ensemble <- function(x, methods=FALSE, omics_in=FALSE, fix.k=NaN){
ens <- round(x)
ens <- methods[ens]
res <- Parea(omics=omics_in, this_method=ens, fix.k=fix.k, type=1)
return(res$SIL) # silhouette cofficient
} # end of fitness function
The following methods are available.
# Available hierarchical clustering methods
methods = c("single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "ward.D",
"ward.D2", "centroid", "median")
Starting the genetic algorithm
fix.k = 5
# Perform the genetic algorithm
res <- ga(
type = "real-valued",
fitness = check_ensemble, methods, list(view1, view2), fix.k, lower = c(1,1), upper = c(8,8),
elitism = 20, maxiter = 20, popSize = 20,
run = 20, parallel=FALSE)
The inferred methods are within the 'solution' slot
sel <- methods[round(res@solution)]
Now, we can cluster the data with the inferred methods
res <- Parea(list(view1, view2),
cl_ensemble <- res$cluster
Let's check the performance based on ARI and NMI.
ARI(cl_ensemble, target)
NMI(cl_ensemble, target)
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Please cite the following work in case you find the package useful.
Pfeifer, Bastian, and Michael G. Schimek. "A hierarchical clustering and data fusion approach for disease subtype discovery." Journal of Biomedical Informatics 113 (2021): 103636.
Please see also
Pfeifer, Bastian, et al. "Integrative hierarchical ensemble clustering for improved disease subtype discovery." 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE, 2021.
for integrative hierarchical ensemble clustering with HC-fused.