
Aggregate tweets, facebook status posts, and flckr images in real time with the tags/queries you specify. Great for creating a live social stream for events. Originally created for the Austin, TX Drupal 7 release party (http://d7rp.fourkitchens.com/), also in use for the Drupal SXSW party (http://sxswdrupal.fourkitchens.com/).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Download or clone the repo.
  • Open index.html in a browser!


  • Open index.html in a text editor and locate the config object.

      var config = {
        // What to search for.
        queries: ['drupal', 'd7rp'],
        // Flickr API key. (leaving this out will exclude flickr 
        // images but still grab Twitter and Facebook statuses)
        flickr_api_key: 'YOUR API KEY',
        // UI update speed.
        ui_speed: 7000
  • Make any changes you would like and save it. That's it!