
This is a simple template for creating generative artworks for You are free to do whatever you want, as long as

  • you only use randRT() as your randomness source
  • do not load anything from the internet (the sketch has to be self-contained)
  • your sketch can handle window resizing

If you need a seed for randomSeed or noiseSeed, please use randomSeedRT.

To run the script with a specific hash, please add ?hash={HASH} to the url. Where {HASH} is a random string of 32 chars ([A-Za-z0-9]).
If you would like to generate a random hash on refresh for development, uncomment the following line in hash.js:

        //hash = getRandomHash()

Make sure that you comment out this line again before releasing your project. For the final submission, you are not allowed to change any code in retain.js, hash.js or init.js, otherwise your porject will not work propoerly.

Preview Images

Call the triggerPreview() function at the point when you would like the preview image to be captured. Preview image size will be 1000x1000px rendered in a headless Google Chrome on an Ubuntu machine.


Is you have any questions, send a DM on twitter to @AndreFvchs.