
clock in & out your working time

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT

It's a simple time tracking tool for the purpose to clock in and out your working time.

How To ... ?


  1. Clone the repository or download it as archive

  2. Install the required Python packages with:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Adjust the configuration in the config.json file:

    • Path to the working time spread sheet ( .ods file format)
    • Path to the icon for the Time-Tracking-Tool
    • Name of the program to monitor for automatic clocking

Here's an example of a config.json file:

    "file_path": "C:/time_tracking/working_time.ods",
    "icon_path": "C:/time_tracking/stopwatch.png",
    "program_name": "thunderbird.exe"

Spreadsheet Design

Design the spreadsheet with the following columns:

date [A1] clocking in [B1] clocking out [C1]


Automatic Tracking


  1. Run the Time-Tracking-Tool.
  2. Activate Automatic Tracking.
  3. Upon detecting the specified program (e.g., thunderbird.exe), the tool begins monitoring.
  4. The tool will automatically clock in when the program is active and clock out when closed.
  5. During clock-in and clock-out events, the corresponding column/row in the spreadsheet will be updated.

Manual Tracking


  1. Run the Time-Tracking-Tool.
  2. Clock in/out as you like, the tool will automatically update the correspondig column/row in the spreadsheet.


Link to repository.


Quits the program.

Time icons created by Freepik - Flaticon