
MCIA iRODS iCommands utilities

Primary LanguagePython


mcia-irods-utils is a set of commandline utilities for iRODS iCommands.


To use mcia-irods-utils, you need:

  • Python 2.6+
  • Bash shell
  • iRODS iCommands installed and accessible in your PATH


Untar mcia-irods-utils to some temporary directory. From this directory, you can run:

python setup.py install [--prefix=</some/prefix>]

By default, install script will make the installation in /usr/local.

In case you provided a prefix, make sure /some/prefix/bin is in your PATH and /some/prefix/lib/python2.x/site-packages in your PYTHONPATH (replace python2.x by the version of your Python interpreter).


Wildcards Commands

Some iRODS iCommands have been wrapped to allow server-side wildcards to be used in a similar way than shell expansion.

  • ilsw
  • igetw
  • irmw

Disk usage

  • idu

Replica number verification

  • irepl-check - check and eventually repair file replicas number


  • imeta-coll - manage metadata on collections, eventually recursively

Data extraction

  • iextract - extract data and metadata from iRODS, for backup or migration