
Does actually fly, might still coo (coo).

Primary LanguageRust


Host setup


brew install nanomsg --HEAD
brew install python3 rsync cmake
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

VM setup

VirtualBox is the preferred virtualizer, although any other virtualizer that can provided shared folders and port forwarding will also work.

Debian 9 Stretch is the distro of choice.

  • Set up port forwarding

    22 → 2222 (SSH forward)

    SSH keys are recommended

  • Set up shared folders

    Folder name: 9001d
    Path: <absolute path to 9001d>

  • Enable symlinks in shared folders

     VBoxManage setextradata <vm-name> VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/<share-name> 1

    Restart VirtualBox to apply this change.

  • Start VM

  • Insert guest additions CD

  • Install guest additions

     # Dependencies
     sudo apt-get install curl build-essential module-assistant dkms pkg-config
     # Prepare system to build kernel modules
     sudo m-a prepare
     # Mount Guest additions CD and build
     sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
     cd /mnt
     sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
     # Allow current user to access shared folders
     sudo adduser "$USER" vboxsf
     # Reboot
     sudo reboot
  • Setup cross-compile environment

    make commands can now be issued on the host machine if port forwarding was set up properly,

     make setup


Use make build (on host) to generate foreign binaries and make transfer (on host) to copy them over to the target.

Environment Variables

    Address of machine that the compiled binary should be deployed on.
    Example: pigeon9001.local
    Target location of the deployed binary.
    Example: '~'
    Username on target system.
    Example: philip
    SSH port of cross-compile VM.
    Example: 2222
    Shared project folder location.
    Example: /media/sf_9001d
    Username on cross-compile VM.
    Example: philip
    Defaults to debug, set to release for optimized builds.
    Example: release
    Defaults to armv7, set to arm for ARMv6 builds.
    Example: arm

Run make env (on host) to generate a .envrc containing all required environment variables.

Use something like direnv to automatically run this file.