
Synchronizes groups from external providers into OpenShift

Primary LanguageGo

Group Sync Operator

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Synchronizes groups from external providers into OpenShift


The OpenShift Container Platform contains functionality to synchronize groups found in external identity providers into the platform. Currently, this functionality is limited to LDAP only. This operator is designed to integrate with external providers in order to provide new solutions.

Group Synchronization is facilitated by creating a GroupSync resource. The following describes the high level schema for this resource:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: example-groupsync
    - <One or more providers to synchronize>

Deploying the Operator

Use the following steps to deploy the operator to an OpenShift cluster

  1. Assuming that you are authenticated to the cluster, create a new project called group-sync-operator .
oc new-project group-sync-operator

. 2. Clone the project locally and changed into the project . .

git clone https://github.com/redhat-cop/group-sync-operator.git
cd group-sync-operator
oc apply -f deploy/crds/redhatcop.redhat.io_groupsyncs_crd.yaml
oc apply -n group-sync-operator -f deploy/service_account.yaml
oc apply -n group-sync-operator -f deploy/clusterrole.yaml
oc apply -n group-sync-operator -f deploy/clusterrole_binding.yaml
oc apply -n group-sync-operator -f deploy/role.yaml
oc apply -n group-sync-operator -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
oc apply -n group-sync-operator -f deploy/operator.yaml


In most cases, authentication details must be provided in order to communicate with providers. Authentication details are provider specific with regards to the required values. In supported providers, the secret can be referenced in the credentialsSecret by name and namespace where it has been created as shown below:

  name: <secret_name>
  namespace: <secret_namespace>


Integration with external systems is made possible through a set of pluggable external providers. The following providers are currently supported:

The following sections describe the configuration options available for each provider


Groups contained within Azure Active Directory can be synchronized into OpenShift. The following table describes the set of configuration options for the Azure provider:

Name Description Defaults Required
credentialsSecret Name of the secret containing authentication details (See below) Yes
groups List of groups to filter against No

The following is an example of a minimal configuration that can be applied to integrate with a Azure provider:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: azure-groupsync
  - name: azure
        name: azure-group-sync
        namespace: group-sync-operator

Authenticating to Azure

Authentication to Azure can be performed using Service Principal with access to query group information in Azure Active Directory. A secret must be created in the same namespace that contains the GroupSync resource:

The following keys must be defined in the secret

  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET - Client Secret

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic azure-group-sync --from-literal=AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID> --from-literal=AZURE_TENANT_ID=<AZURE_TENANT_ID> --from-literal=AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<AZURE_CLIENT_ID> --from-literal=AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET>


Teams stored within a GitHub organization can be synchronized into OpenShift. The following table describes the set of configuration options for the GitHub provider:

Name Description Defaults Required
caSecret Reference to a secret containing a SSL certificate to use for communication (See below) No
credentialsSecret Reference to a secret containing authentication details (See below) Yes
insecure Ignore SSL verification false No
organization Organization to synchronize against Yes
teams List of teams to filter against No
url Base URL for the GitHub or GitHub Enterprise host (Must contain a trailing slash) No

The following is an example of a minimal configuration that can be applied to integrate with a Github provider:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: github-groupsync
  - name: github
      organization: ocp
        name: github-group-sync
        namespace: group-sync-operator

Authenticating to GitHub

Authentication to GitHub can be performed using an OAuth Personal Access Token or a Username and Password (Note: 2FA not supported). A secret must be created in the same namespace that contains the GroupSync resource:

When using an OAuth token, the following key is required:

  • token - OAuth token

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic github-group-sync --from-literal=token=<token>

The following keys are required for username and password:

  • username - Username for authenticating with GitHub
  • password - Password for authenticating with GitHub

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic github-group-sync --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password>


Groups stored within a GitLab can be synchronized into OpenShift. The following table describes the set of configuration options for the GitLab provider:

Name Description Defaults Required
caSecret Reference to a secret containing a SSL certificate to use for communication (See below) No
credentialsSecret Reference to a secret containing authentication details (See below) Yes
insecure Ignore SSL verification 'false' No
groups List of groups to filter against No
url Base URL for the GitLab instance https://gitlab.com No

The following is an example of a minimal configuration that can be applied to integrate with a Github provider:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: gitlab-groupsync
  - name: gitlab
        name: gitlab-group-sync
        namespace: group-sync-operator

Authenticating to GitLab

Authentication to GitLab can be performed using an OAuth Personal Access Token or a Username and Password (Note: 2FA not supported). A secret must be created in the same namespace that contains the GroupSync resource:

When using an OAuth token, the following key is required:

  • token - OAuth token

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic gitlab-group-sync --from-literal=token=<token>

The following keys are required for username and password:

  • username - Username for authenticating with GitLab
  • password - Password for authenticating with GitLab

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic gitlab-group-sync --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password>


Groups stored within an LDAP server can be synchronized into OpenShift. The LDAP provider implements the included features of the Syncing LDAP groups feature and makes use of the libraries from the OpenShift Command Line tool to streamline the migration to this operator based implementation.

The configurations of the three primary schemas (rfc2307, activeDirectory and augmentedActiveDirectory) can be directly migrated as is without any modification.

Name Description Defaults Required
caSecret Reference to a secret containing a SSL certificate to use for communication (See below) No
credentialsSecret Reference to a secret containing authentication details (See below) Yes
insecure Ignore SSL verification 'false' No
groupUIDNameMapping User defined name mapping No
rfc2307 Configuration using the rfc2307 schema No
activeDirectory Configuration using the activeDirectory schema No
augmentedActiveDirectory Configuration using the activeDirectory schema No
url Connection URL for the LDAP server https://gitlab.cldap://ldapserver:389om No
whitelist Explicit list of groups to synchronize No
blacklist Explicit list of groups to not synchronize No

The following is an example using the rfc2307 schema:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: ldap-groupsync
  - ldap:
        name: ldap-group-sync
        namespace: group-sync-operator
      insecure: true
        - member
        - cn
        groupUIDAttribute: dn
          baseDN: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
          derefAliases: never
          filter: (objectClass=groupofnames)
          scope: sub
        tolerateMemberNotFoundErrors: true
        tolerateMemberOutOfScopeErrors: true
        - cn
        userUIDAttribute: dn
          baseDN: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
          derefAliases: never
          scope: sub
      url: ldap://ldapserver:389
    name: ldap

The examples provided in the OpenShift documented referenced previously can be used to construct the schemas for the other LDAP synchronization types.

Authenticating to LDAP

A secret must be created in the same namespace that contains the GroupSync resource. It must contain the following keys:

  • username - Username (Bind DN) for authenticating with the LDAP server
  • password - Password for authenticating with the LDAP server

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic ldap-group-sync --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password>

Whitelists and Blacklists

Groups can be explicitly whitelisted or blacklisted in order to control the groups that are eligible to be synchronized into OpenShift. When running LDAP group synchronization using the command line, this configuration is referenced via separate files, but these are instead specified in the blacklist and whitelist properties as shown below:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: ldap-groupsync
  - ldap:
      - cn=Online Corporate Banking,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
    name: ldap
apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: ldap-groupsync
  - ldap:
      - cn=Finance,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
    name: ldap


Groups stored within Keycloak can be synchronized into OpenShift. The following table describes the set of configuration options for the Keycloak provider:

Name Description Defaults Required
caSecret Reference to a secret containing a SSL certificate to use for communication (See below) No
credentialsSecret Reference to a secret containing authentication details (See below) Yes
groups List of groups to filter against No
insecure Ignore SSL verification 'false' No
loginRealm Realm to authenticate against master No
realm Realm to synchronize Yes
scope Scope for group synchronization. Options are one for one level or sub to include subgroups sub No
url URL Location for Keycloak Yes

The following is an example of a minimal configuration that can be applied to integrate with a Keycloak provider:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: keycloak-groupsync
  - name: keycloak
      realm: ocp
        name: keycloak-group-sync
        namespace: group-sync-operator
      url: https://keycloak-keycloak-operator.apps.openshift.com

Authenticating to Keycloak

A secret must be created in the same namespace that contains the GroupSync resource. It must contain the following keys:

  • username - Username for authenticating with Keycloak
  • password - Password for authenticating with Keycloak

The secret can be created by executing the following command:

oc create secret generic keycloak-group-sync --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password>

Support for Additional Metadata (Beta)

Additional metadata based on Keycloak group are also added to the OpenShift groups as Annotations including:

  • Parent/child relationship between groups and their subgroups
  • Group attributes

CA Certificates

Each provider allows for certificates to be provided in a secret to communicate securely to the target host through the use of a property called caSecret.

The certificate can be added to a secret called keycloak-certs using the key ca.crt representing the certificate using the following command.

$ oc create secret generic keycloak-certs --from-file=ca.crt=<file>

An example of how the CA certificate can be added to the Keycloak provider is shown below:

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: keycloak-groupsync
  - keycloak:
      realm: ocp
        name: keycloak-group-sync
        namespace: group-sync-operator
        name: keycloak-certs
        namespace: group-sync-operator
        key: tls.crt
      url: https://keycloak-keycloak-operator.apps.openshift.com

Scheduled Execution

A cron style expression can be specified for which a synchronization event will occur. The following specifies that a synchronization should occur nightly at 3AM

apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: GroupSync
  name: keycloak-groupsync
  schedule: "0 3 * * *"
  - ...

If a schedule is not provided, synchronization will occur only when the object is reconciled by the platform.

Local Development

Execute the following steps to develop the functionality locally. It is recommended that development be done using a cluster with cluster-admin permissions.

go mod download


go mod vendor

Using the operator-sdk, run the operator locally:

oc apply -f deploy/crds/redhatcop.redhat.io_groupsyncs_crd.yaml
OPERATOR_NAME='group-sync-operator' operator-sdk run --local --watch-namespace ""