
Telegram Bot based on youtube-dl that automatizes downloading video from the web

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Home Downloader Telegram Bot

Telegram Bot based on youtube-dl devised to download media contents from the web.
The whole story behind this project.



Install youtube-dl (on Arch/Arch Arm):

sudo pacman -S youtube-dl

Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/pigna90/home-downloader-bot.git

Set up the virtual environment:

cd ./home-downloader-bot
python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Bot

Crete a configuration json file:

cd ./home-downloader-bot
touch config.json

Populate it by following this structure:

  "valid_users": [
  "bot_token": "secret_bot_token",
  "out_dir": "/path/to/sambda/shared/directory/",
  "owner_chat_id": "owner_chat_id",
  "valid_websites": ["https://www.youtube"]

Run the Bot:

cd ./home-downloader-bot
chmod +x run_home_downloader.sh


  • Start a new conversation with the Bot
  • Send the link of the video to download
  • The video will be downloaded into the shared folder


Deploy to a remote machine

Here is how to deploy the code to a remote machine (e.g. Raspberry Pi) trough SSH:


cd ./home-downloader-bot

scp home_downloader.py ${rpi_host}:${rpi_project_dir}home_downloader.py
scp modules.py ${rpi_host}:${rpi_project_dir}modules.py
scp requirements.txt ${rpi_host}:${rpi_project_dir}requirements.txt
scp config.json ${rpi_host}:${rpi_project_dir}config.json
scp run_rpi.sh ${rpi_host}:${rpi_project_dir}run_home_downloader.sh

ssh ${rpi_host} chmod +x ${rpi_project_dir}run_home_downloader.sh