- Enrico Fallacara
- Patrick Indri
- Federico Pigozzi
Konobi is a connection game for two players, black and white, and it's played on a chequerboard.
- Each player places stone of the corresponding colour on the board;
- Two stones of the same colour are strongly connected if they are orthogonally connected;
- Two stones of the colour are weakly connected if they are diagonally connected;
- On white's first turn, they can decide to switch colour with the other player instead of placing a stone (pie rule);
- If a player cannot make any legal move, they shall pass;
- Winning condition: player win when they have connected their own edges.
- It is illegal to make a weak connection with a stone unless it is not possible to make placement which is both strongly connected to that stone and not weakly connected to another stone;
- Cross-cuts (2x2 configuration consisting of two weakly connected white stones and two weakly connected black stones) are illegal.
For portability, the project is shipped with the gradlew
for Windows) executable to run the code without manually handling dependencies.
The console version of the game can be started using:
> ./gradlew runConsole
The GUI version of the game can be started using:
> ./gradlew runGUI