
This repository holds the published releases of Amethyst


Click above to download the installer, please just use the installer, please.

Scroll further down for manual instructions.

Amethyst is a Windows application for using various devices for body tracking in virtual reality (Specifically in SteamVR). It can be extended with user-made plugins to support any device you wish.

This is a rewrite from the ground up, it is not based on KinectToVR/K2EX. It is a whole new app that doesn't carry the legacy baggage of K2EX. We were able to fix numerous bugs and streamline the experience. We hope you will enjoy it. If you like what you see and you wish to support future development, you can throw money at us with the button. (We won't force you, though every expense is currently out of pocket.)

Amethyst General Tab

More Screenshots Amethyst Settings Tab Amethyst Devices Tab Amethyst Info Tab Amethyst Plugins Tab
Related Components Amethyst ExtFlip Amethyst Extra Trackers Amethyst Tracking Output Amethyst Store Sample
Extra/Fun Stuff Amethyst Help Amethyst Freeze

Setup (ignore if using installer)

Pre-requisites (You need these to run the app):

  • Windows 20H2 or newer (+any win11 is fine)
  • Install VCRedist 2022

Actually doing the thing:

  • Download Amethyst-Release-XXXXXX.zip from the latest release.
  • Create a new folder, e.g. C:\Amethyst
  • Extract the ZIP into that new folder.
    In the case of the example folder, you would end up with C:\Amethyst\Amethyst.exe
  • Once Amethyst is launched, Click re-register SteamVR driver and follow the prompts.
  • ezgif-4-5e11deefe7

It's unsupported but please help me anyway!!!

My SteamVR gives me Error 203 and won't start no matter what I do.

You have the Amethyst and K2EX drivers enabled at the same time.
They use the same logging library and conflict with each other on startup, causing the entirety of the SteamVR backend to crash.
Close SteamVR, then either delete or edit %localappdata%\openvr\openvrpaths.vrpath
if your file says null in it after you edited it, go learn JSON, and WTF are you doing on GitHub????

I have some other unrelated issue.

Unless you're actually braindead, you may possibly have run into a bug,
reporting those is important to building a stable application for release. See just below on how to report bugs.


  • Record the issue (or at least describe it as well as you can)
  • Send us the log files from %AppData%/Amethyst/logs


In the current app's state, I've decided to hide the source until the app comes finished.
If you really want it for some reason though, please write to us on the K2VR discord.