
being an experiment with universes and time

Primary LanguageHaskell


being an experiment with universes and time


I often write type checkers as a kind of reassuring exercise workout, and this one is probably no different, but it has a few interesting aspects. It's a bidirectional type checker for β-normal forms in a dependent type theory with a universe hierarchy. Canonical constructions are always understood relative to a required type; usages (i.e., variables and elimination forms) have synthesized types. A structural subtyping check happens just when a synthesized type must be good for a required type, and that's where we build in cumulativity, allowing smaller universes to embed in larger universes.

I write type checking judgments ty :w> tm and type synthesis judgments ne <w: ty, where ne is the language of neutral terms, embedded in tm, and ty is a suggestive synonym for tm. By the way, the w is a world, about which more later.

A Universe Hierarchy

We have universes Set^n for natural numbers, n (with Set short for Set^0. Above the Set levels, we have Type, and further above is the topsort, Kind. Any type which can be checked or synthesized either inhabits Kind or is Kind itself. The typing rule for sorts is just

  s' > s
  s' :*> s

Checking types makes it easy to explain the sizes involved in compound types. Function types, for example, exist at every level.

  s :*> S    x :w S |- s :*> T
  s :*> (x :w S) -> T

Note, in particular, that Kind admits (x1 : S1) -> ... (xn : Sn) -> Type, so we can express types for large eliminators, rather than requiring eliminators to have polymorphic motives. Of course, it's easy to exhaust even this little extra headroom, but let's see how things work out in practice.


I'm experimenting with a separate stratification of type theory into what we usually call worlds, in a Kripke semantics. Typing happens in a world. The variable rule enforces accessibility from the world where a variable is bound to the world where it is used.

  x :w S    w |> u
  x <u: S

At present, I'm hardwiring two worlds, the Dynamic (whose world annotation is empty), for things which may exist at closed-run time, and the Static (whose world annotation is *), for things which must exist only during typechecking. We have Dyn |> Sta. Please don't

  • conflate the dynamic/static distinction with the set-theoretic small/large distinction (for we may have sets which talk of small data, and data large enough to represent sets);
  • imagine that because we typecheck before we run, the world accessibility relation should allow static-to-dynamic (we stop the dynamic world and typecheck its past in order to make predictions about its future, e.g. that if we stop it later, we shall have nothing to unlearn).

I'm expecting that the world structure will become more diverse (and more customizable) as time goes by. Moreover, I expect that we shall have constructions of the form "if this thing's pieces can be constructed piecewise in a hierarchy of worlds, then it can be constructed entirely in their limit". Even with two worlds, we'll see a difference between product-like dynamic quantification (x : S) -> T and intersection-like static quantification (x :* S) -> T. I'm hoping for a major outbreak of sanity.

Some Religion and its Syntax

At least as far as run time is concerned, I'm avoiding new generative forms of data. We have functions (represented as closures), and we have first order data in three term forms

()                           -- nil
term , term                  -- cons
[list]                       -- isorecursive packing

where , associates rightward, and list syntax just sugars the same notion of term, allowing

, term                       -- meaning  term
term list                    -- meaning  term , list
                             -- meaning  ()

For example, [a b c] is short for [, a, b, c, ()].

It should be possible to erase isorecursive packing at closed-run time, as its purpose is only to show the typechecker where to unfold fixpoints. Otherwise, data are from LISP. Of course you can't infer types for this stuff. The point is to project types onto it. In time, we might play similar games with data yet more raw. Fritz Henglein likes to observe that for some CS folk "it's all bits" and for others "it's all structure". Both are right.

By the way, I allow #n for the list of n copies of (). Desugaring, we get

#0 = ()
#1 = () , ()
#2 = () , () , ()

and so on. Rather than a unary encoding, I could choose one of the many amusing isos between the natural numbers and the binary trees, but I won't just now. It is my habit to display the head of an iso-packed list in this form if possible, as that will often correspond to a choice of constructor. So, a node of inductive data will tend to look like

[#n blah blah blah , proof]

where proof will often be () and hence suppressed.

(There are lots of choices in this design space. Here, I'm using nil and cons to capture both tupling and distinction. We might well find cause to separate these two notions, especially as tupling can be lazy but distinction must be strict. It may also be possible to make iso-packing a smart constructor, packing only neutrals and other packings, but evaporating when given concrete contents.)

Specifying a Theory

I'm trying to build some tools which enable me to write down the rules of the theory in a compact and readable form, then generate all the equipment. There'll be some interpretive overhead, but I'll take the hit to be lighter of foot.