
being an attempt to express dependently typed data models

Primary LanguageHaskellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


What if we wanted to describe some data that we might have lying around or acquire from somewhere?

Never mind how we view the data. Later, we might think of describing a presentation for data as a spreadsheet or whatever. Let's just talk about the structure of the data.

Let me just establish a syntactic convention.


I have a boringly simple approach to indentation-based layout. A line subordinates the contiguous block of subsequent lines which are strictly more indented.

Subordinated lines are treated as continuations of their headline unless the headline ends with the layout herald, "-:". Note that

this is the beginning of a headline
  and this is a continuation of the headline -:
    this line is subordinated to that headline
  and this is also subordinated to that headline
    but this line continues the second subordinate
  and this is a third subordinate

Of course, it's bad form to be ragged in that manner.


A class is an extensible set of individuals. The point about being individuals is to be mutally distinct places for information. We proceed by attaching information to individuals.

I might want to say that there is such a thing as a student.

class Student

I might want to say that individual students have certain information attached: a unique email address and registration number, as well as a human-name.

for Student -:
  email ! String
  regNo ! String
  surname : String
  forename : String

The "for" declaration allows us to assert that information is available for each individual in a class. We give : for the information, but write ! when we expect each individual to have distinct values for that information.

Students study modules (called "classes" in Strathclyde, but that could get confusing). So that's a whole other class of individuals.

class Module

No individual is both a Student and a Module.

Sigma in Disguise

Classes are types, but not necessarily the other way around.

The comma operator forms a new type from two old types. E.g.,

Student, Module

whose individuals are the pairs of students and modules.

The comma operator is really the type former for Sigma-types. You can name the components if you like

S : Student, M : Module

(idea: and you can reorder them, as long as the dependency graph is acyclic).

Anonymous components are none the less dependable-on.


Some students study some modules.

for Student, Module -:
  prop Studies

So what is "Studies"? It's a type which exists for each pair of student and module, containing at most one inhabitant (whose existence indicates that the student studies the module).

Student, Module, Studies

is thus the class of triples consisting of a student, a module, and the evidence that the student studies the module.

You can write "Studies" in any context with exactly one student and one module.

Classes for Individuals

For each module, there will be some tests.

for Module -:
  class Test

A test has a maximum possible score.

for Module, Test -:
  maxPoss : {0..}

I should be able to write that by subordination

for Module -:
  class Test
  for Test -:
    maxPoss : [0..]

which should be further contractible to

for Module -:
  class Test -:
    maxPoss : [0..]

Each student studying a module might be present at one of that module's tests. And if they were present, they have a score

for Student, Module, Studies, Test -:
  prop Present -:
    score : [0..maxPoss]

I'm making this notation up as I go along, but I'm learning something.

For declarations

A declaration of form

for <class> -:

tells us that for each individual in the class, the given declared things exist.

We always work relatively to an ambient class. At the top level, that's the anonymous class with just one individual. The role of the for declaration is to localize the ambient class.

What's really going on is functional programming.

Info declarations

A declaration of the form

<name> : <type>

tells us that each individual in the context has some information of the given type with the given name.


We've had classes, properties and the Sigma construction. Let's also have


(it's tempting to allow subtypes of String given by a grammar)


and we must have subtypes


which are really just

Int, (i <=)
Int, (<= j)
Int, (i <=), (<= j)

Let's have closed enumerations
