Choose 7.45GB
4.2 GB partition
500 MB swap
In network tab in virtual box, change from NAT to bridged.


     sudo: apt-get install sudo

     vim: sudo apt-get install vim
     parted: sudo apt-get install parted



Check memory
     parted -> unit GB -> print all

Find IP hostname
     hostname -I or ip addr

Find default gateway
     ip route show

Switch between users
     su - [USERNAME]

Set time
     sudo timedatectl set-time YYYY-MM-DD
     sudo timedatectl set-time hh:mm:ss

List open ports
     sudo ss -tunlp


You must create a non-root user to connect to the machine and work. Use sudo, with this user, to be able to perform operation requiring special rights

As root:

  • create user: adduser [USERNAME]
  • give user sudo right: usermod -aG sudo [USERNAME]

We don’t want you to use the DHCP service of your machine. You’ve got to configure it to have a static IP and a Netmask in \30.

  • \30 means the first 30 bits of the IP address → the first 3 octets remains the same. +/-1 in the last octet could be a safe choice.
  • Ping the wanted IP address. If there is not signal => could be free!
  • Modifiy /etc/network/interfaces
iface enp0s3 inet static

You have to change the default port of the SSH service by the one of your choice. SSH access HAS TO be done with publickeys. SSH root access SHOULD NOT be allowed directly, but with a user who can be root.

Copy public key to VM, in local machine's terminal:

  • If there is not public key, generate one: ssh-keygen-o
  • Copy public key to VM: ssh-copy-id [VM_USERNAME]@[VM_IP]

*You have to change the default port of the SSH service by the one of your choice. SSH access HAS TO be done with publickeys. SSH root access SHOULD NOT be allowed directly, but with a user who can be root

  • You must create a non-root user to connect to the machine and work.

  • Use sudo, with this user, to be able to perform operation requiring special rights

    • In root:
      • create user adduser [username]
      • give user sudo right usermod -aG sudo [username]
      • switching between user su - [username]
  • We don’t want you to use the DHCP service of your machine. You’ve got to configure it to have a static IP and a Netmask in \30.

    • \30 means the first 30 bits -> the first 3 octets remains the same. +/-1 in the last octet could be a safe choice.
    • ping the wanted IP address. If there is not signal => could be free!
    • making changes in /etc/network/interfaces
      • sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
      • changes e.g: iface enp0s3 inet static address netmask gateway
  • You have to change the default port of the SSH service by the one of your choice. SSH access HAS TO be done with publickeys. SSH root access SHOULD NOT be allowed directly, but with a user who can be root.

    • To copy public key to VM machine, in local:
      • have a ready public key, if not, generate one ssh-keygen-o
      • copy public key to VM. This could be later checked in VM at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh-copy-id [VM_username]@[VM_IP]
    • To change port, make changes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      • sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      • changes e.g: Port 2608
    • To forbid directly access to root, make changes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      • sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      • changes e.g: PermitRootLogin no
    • NOTE! from this moment onward, cannot access root directly and access to any user must be with correct port.
      • ssh [VM_username]@[VM_IP] -p [PORT_NUMBER]
  • You have to set the rules of your firewall on your server only with the services used outside the VM

    • UFW (uncomplicated firewall)
      • install sudo apt install ufw
      • status of UFW: sudo ufw status verbose
      • check rule status: sudo ufw status numbered
      • delete rule: sudo ufw delete [RULE_NUMBER]
    • for SSH service:
      • allow the specific ports sudo ufw allow [PORT_NUMBER]/[NET_ID]
      • to check [NET_ID] sudo ss -tunlp
    • to prevent too many attempt to connect to ssh service. ufw will deny IP that try to connect 6 or more times within 30 seconds. sudo ufw limit [PORT_NUMBER]/[NET_ID]
    • prevent the most common port sudo ufw deny 22/tcp
  • You have to set a DOS (Denial Of Service Attack) protection on your open ports of your VM.

    • install fail2ban: sudo apt-get install fail2ban
    • check status check status of a jail (for e.g sshd) sudo fail2ban-client status sshd check banned ip sudo fail2ban-client banned
    • check log of ban: /var/log/fail2ban.log
    • configure for fail2ban (ssh) create a file sshd.local in /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ edit the file as e.g below: [sshd] enabled = true filter = sshd port = 2608 logpath = %(sshd_log)s maxretry = 3 bantime = 600
    • unban ip sudo fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip
  • You have to set a protection against scans on your VM’s open ports. useful links: to scan ports: sudo nmap -PN [IP_ADDRESS] add custom rule in fail2ban to check if regex is correct: sudo fail2ban-regex /var/log/ufw.log '.[UFW BLOCK] . SRC= .* PROTO=TCP ' --print-all-matched in filter.d: create a custom rule file ([filename].conf) this is to find a matching pattern in a file that will be later declared in rule. [Definition] failregex = .[UFW BLOCK] . SRC= .* PROTO=TCP in local.d: create a custom rule file ([filename].local) and set rules for this filter [myportban] enabled = true filter = myportban logpath = /var/log/ufw.log maxretry = 3 findtime = 20 bantime = 120

  • Stop the services you don’t need for this project. THIS SHOULD BE CHECKED AT SCHOOL!

  • Create a script that updates all the sources of package, then your packages and which logs the whole in a file named /var log/update_script.log. Create a scheduled task for this script once a week at 4AM and every time the machine reboots.