
Single platform laravel site ready to be built as per your needs

Primary LanguagePHP

Webcore Platform

Single Platform can be used for Backend Admin Website or Website CMS (built according to your needs)

1. Webcore


Admin Page - UI Component - Front Page
  1. Backend Page (Admin)

    Scope of Admin Page :
    preparing user admin input form, input data by writed or by data source referenced

  2. UI Component (just a part of page)

    Scope of UI Component (widget) :
    provide reusable part of UI (widget) to included in template of page, (*and defining tracking configuration user interaction for personalization)

    Scope of Page :
    layout and styling UI Component generally to be a Page by incorporating a template

  3. Frontend Page

    Scope of Front Page :
    provide User Experience with content personalization using Persona and Pattern


Copy and paste in terminal line by line, just hit Enter key

  • Using Git

      git clone https://github.com/dandisy/webcore.git
      cd webcore
      composer install
      cp .env.example .env

Make sure your server, create "webcore" database, edit .env using your favorite editor, for example using nano editor copy and paste this in terminal, and hit Enter key

sudo nano .env


php artisan key:generate
  • Using Composer

      composer create-project dandisy/webcore {your-project-name}
      cd {your-project-name}


php artisan migrate --seed

php artisan storage:link

then get its all on your favorite browser,


if you want to activated oauth,

edit the uri oauth in vue files in resources/assets/js/components/passport

php artisan passport:keys

npm install

npm run dev

then you can access oauth admin panel to manage your oauth client in


Now you can browse to


Default users are

* superadminstrator@app.com
* administrator@app.com
* user@app.com

with default password is password


  • As Web CMS :

run these command in your terminal

( for tidiness, webcore already prepared menu items, so you can use --skip=menu in generate command for Page, Post, Banner and Presentation)

php artisan generate:api_scaffold Page --fieldsFile=Page.json --datatables=true --prefix=admin --logs

php artisan generate:api_scaffold Post --fieldsFile=Post.json --datatables=true --prefix=admin --logs

php artisan generate:api_scaffold Banner --fieldsFile=Banner.json --datatables=true --prefix=admin --logs

php artisan generate:api_scaffold Presentation --fieldsFile=Presentation.json --datatables=true --prefix=admin --logs


composer require dandisy/webcore-page:dev-master

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webcore\Page\PageServiceProvider" --tag=config

if you want Webcore Page System themes & components sample code

download in https://github.com/dandisy/themes (don't clone)

then extract to your project root directory

see https://github.com/dandisy/webcore-page for more info

then run

composer require dandisy/webcore-menu:dev-master

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Harimayco\Menu\MenuServiceProvider"

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webcore\Menu\MenuServiceProvider" --tag=models

php artisan migrate

see https://github.com/dandisy/webcore-menu for more info

for tidiness,

last, you can arrange Admin Page side menu in resources/views/layouts/menu.blade.php

delete generated menu items in the end of menu.blade.php

uncomment already prepared menu items for Pages, Posts, Banners, Presentations and Menus 
  • As Admin App (no public site in frontend)

run these command in your terminal, if you have schema model file

(change YourModel to the name of your model to be generate )

php artisan generate:api_scaffold YourModel --fieldsFile=YourModel.json --datatables=true

or if you want to spesify field interactively in terminal

php artisan generate:api_scaffold YourModel --datatables=true


  1. Admin Template


  2. File Manager

    File Manager

  3. Menu Manager

    Menu Manager

  4. Image Manipulation

     to manipulate image use http://localhost/webcore/public/img/{path}?{param=value}
     default {path} is configured relative to public_path, see .env for FILESYSTEM_DRIVER and config/filesystems.php

    see Glide documentation in http://glide.thephpleague.com

  5. Laravel Generator with Additional Form Builder

    • Date Time Picker (htmltype = date-picker, time-picker or datetime-picker)
    • Select2 (all select input will be select2)
    • HTML Text Editor (htmltype = text-editor)
    • File Manager (htmltype = file-manager or files-manager)
    • Support nullable field in database table
    • Support auto generate log fields in table (console option = --logs)

see sample schema model files in resources/model_schemas

  1. Page System (support themes and view components)

    Sample code can be download in https://github.com/dandisy/themes

  2. Reusable Component

    • by Widget (Widget Class & Widget View) using arrilot/laravel-widgets for UI Component

      as much as possible the widget should have a loose coupled, bring data on the fly, avoid directly include / use in widget class

      webcore include a widget, with this you able to use shortcode on Page description field to get datasource from models, use syntax : [source=ModelName,where=some_field_name:value,position:some_theme_position,widget=some_widget_view]

    • by Laravel Package

      webcore include webcore-microsite package as sample code for basic package

  3. Pre Configured Oauth using Laravel Passport (with resources example)


* dandisy/adminlte-templates based on infyomlabs/adminlte-templates
* dandisy/laravel-generator based on infyomlabs/laravel-generator
* dandisy/swagger-generator based on infyomlabs/swagger-generator
* dandisy/filemanager based on infinety-es/filemanager

* arrilot/laravel-widgets
* barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
* league/glide-laravel
* santigarcor/laratrust
* harimayco/laravel-menu
* atayahmet/laravel-nestable

If you activated laravel passport use :
* spatie/laravel-cors

* pragmarx/tracker or jeremykenedy/laravel-logger
* spatie/laravel-activitylog

* fireguard/report or jimmyjs/laravel-report-generator

* barryvdh/laravel-dompdf or seguce92/laravel-dompdf
* maatwebsite/excel
* khill/lavacharts

if use additional jwt package
* tymon/jwt-auth

if use other theme package :
facuz/laravel-themes based on thinhbuzz/laravel-theme
or yaapis/Theme
or teepluss/laravel-theme

* nwidart/laravel-modules -> OPTIONAL
* lavary/laravel-menu -> OPTIONAL
* h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 -> OPTIONAL

* toxic-lemurs/menu-builder -> ALTERNATIVE
* mkdesignn/menubuilder -> ALTERNATIVE


2. Laravel Generator

Webcore use infyomlabs/laravel-generator, with renamed artisan command for more generic, to :

php artisan generate[.command]:{command} {Model_name} [option]

See infyomlabs/laravel-generator documentation here http://labs.infyom.com/laravelgenerator

Perspective :

Interface       -   Tools (Worker)              -   Executor
Commands\*      -   Common\* and Utils\*        -   Generators\* 

Interface       -   Tools (Worker)              -   Executor
Generators\*    -   Common\* and Utils\*        -   Commands\*


  1. To add HTML type definition, add and edit these :

    • add stub file in adminlte-templates\templates\scaffold\fields

    • add stub file in adminlte-templates\templates\vuejs\fields

    • edit Utils\HTMLFieldGenerator

    • edit Generators\ViewGenerator

    • edit Generators\VueJs\ViewGenerator

  2. To add command, command option, or fields option

    • edit or add Common\*
    • edit or add Commands\* (BaseCommand, etc)


  • Commands\* :

    use Common\CommandData, use Utils\FileUtil, use Generator\*

    base Commands\BaseCommand

    • parsing console command
    • initializing commandData
    • execute Generators\* to generating files and migrating database table
  • Utils\GeneratorFieldsInputUtil :

    use Common\GeneratorField

    • get fields specification from console command
    • return field specification by utilizing Common\GeneratorField
  • Utils\HTMLFieldGenerator :

    use Common\GeneratorField

    • return fieldTemplate will be used
  • Common\GeneratorField :

    • parsing parts of fields specification (db type, html input, option)
    • preparing migration
  • Common\GeneratorConfig :

    • load, init and set config
    • get console command option
  • Common\CommandData :

    use Utils\GeneratorFieldsInputUtil, use Utils\TableFieldsGenerator

    • get and set commandData from config, file, and console
  • Generators\* :

    use Utils\FileUtil, use Common\CommandData, use Utils\HTMLFieldGenerator in Generators\Scaffold\ViewGenerator

    base Generators\BaseGenerator

    • define generator functionality with data and template parameters to be used
    • define rollback


3. Roadmap


1.0.0 Single Platform
1.1.0 Easy Platform
1.2.0 In Context Platform
1.3.0 Experience Platform
1.4.0 Enterprise Platform
1.5.0 Digital Solution

by dandi@redbuzz.co.id