
cr4ckalysis is an interactive python shell for hash analysis and password recovery.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Kali Ubuntu Linux Python

Cr4ckalysis is an interactive shell for hash analysis and password recovery in Python. 🐍

Currently works on Linux distros only.

🖥️ Features

🤖 Limitations

  • Wordlists used must contain at least 50 words in order to function properly (For SSH and FTP cracking).
  • When inserting file as parameter, the root / or current ./ must include at the front of the file for better performance.
  • End users cannot modify the thread counts as it will affect the stability of the system. default threads = 30
  • Users may restart the system Ctrl+C or exit if encounter any errors. e.g., UI bugs.
  • During general hash cracking, users may only do one hash algorithm at a time.

⚙️ Requirements

Install latest apt and pip3 modules

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3
pip3 install pexpect
pip3 install ftplib
pip3 install python-nmap
pip3 install colorama

Install rockyou.txt

Download here rockyou.txt.gz

gunzip rockyou.txt.gz
mv rockyou.txt ~/cr4ckalysis/wordlists

🔧 Installation

Clone git repository

git clone https://github.com/pikaroot/cr4ckalysis.git
cd cr4ckalysis
chmod +x cr4ckalysis.py

NOTE: Users can just clone cr4ckalysis.py, lib, wordlists instead of cloning all files.

🔡 Hash Coverage

Hash Algorithm Description Available Commands
MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm 5 analyse crack
MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm 4 analyse crack
SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 analyse crack
SHA-224 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 with 224 bits analyse crack
SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 with 256 bits analyse crack
SHA-384 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 with 384 bits analyse crack
SHA-512 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 with 512 bits analyse crack
SHA3-224 Secure Hash Algorithm 3 with 224 bits analyse crack
SHA3-256 Secure Hash Algorithm 3 with 256 bits analyse crack
SHA3-384 Secure Hash Algorithm 3 with 384 bits analyse crack
SHA3-512 Secure Hash Algorithm 3 with 512 bits analyse crack
SHAKE-128 Shake 128 bits analyse crack
SHAKE-256 Shake 256 bits analyse crack
BLAKE2b Blake 2b (128, 160, 256, 384, 512) bits analyse crack
BLAKE2s Blake 2 (128, 160, 256) bits analyse crack

📄 User Guide

System Banner


User Man Page

cr4ckalysis> help

CR4RKALYSIS - An interactive shell for password analysis and password cracking

        HASH CRACK
        cr4ckalysis> analyse [hash/hashfile.txt]
        cr4ckalysis> set_hmode [hmode]
        cr4ckalysis> crack [hash] [wordlist/wordlist2]

        cr4ckalysis> set_ipv4 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]
        cr4ckalysis> set_uname [string/userlist.txt]
        cr4ckalysis> set_pword [string/passlist.txt]
        cr4ckalysis> crack ipv4 [ssh/ftp]

        analyse...: analyse possible hash algorithms of a string or file.                    
        clear.....: clear screen.                                                            
        crack.....: various functions including hash crack, SSH crack, and FTP crack.        
        exit......: exit system.                                                             
        help......: display user manual.                                                     
        ls........: list settings.                                                           
        set_wlist.: set wordlist (default is ./wordlists/rockyou.txt).                       
        set_wlist2: set an additional wordlist.                                              
        set_ipv4..: set listening host IP address.                                           
        set_uname.: set a username or userlist.                                              
        set_pword.: set a password or passlist.                                              
        set_hmode.: set a hash algorithm.                                                    
HASH COVERAGE                                                                                
        md5, md4, md2                                                                        
        sha1, sha1_crypt                                                                     
        sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512                                                       
        sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512                                               
        shake_128, shake_256                                                                 
        blake2b, blake2s                                                                     
        ripemd_128, ripemd_160, ripemd_256                                                   
        django (sha1, sha256, md5, bcrypt, pbkdf2-hmac)                                      
        domain_cache_credentials (1 & 2)                                                     
        md5, md4                                                                             
        sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512                                                       
        sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512                                               
        shake_128, shake_256                                                                 
        blake2b, blake2s                                                                     
DETAILED GUIDE                                                                               
        set_wlist, set_wlist2                                                                
        cr4ckalysis> set_wlist ./wordlists/rockyou.txt                                       
        cr4ckalysis> set_wlist2 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt                             
        NOTE: Directory root path (/) or current path (./) need to be added at the beginning 
        of the input to ensure fully readability from the system.                            
        Wordlists will not be saved after the user exit the system.                          
        cr4ckalysis> set_ipv4                                                      
        NOTE: Insert an IP address that you want to listen to.                               
        set_uname, set_pword                                                                 
        cr4ckalysis> set_uname david                                                         
        cr4ckalysis> set_uname ./unames.txt                                                  
        cr4ckalysis> set_uname /usr/share/unames.txt                                         
        cr4ckalysis> set_pword SecurePass                                                    
        cr4ckalysis> set_pword ./pwords.txt                                                  
        cr4ckalysis> set_pword /usr/share/pwords.txt                                         
        NOTE: Directory root path (/) or current path (./) need to be added at the beginning 
        of the input to ensure fully readability from the system.                            
        Usernames and passwords will not be saved after the user exit the system.            
        cr4ckalysis> set_hmode md5                                                           
        cr4ckalysis> set_hmode blake2b                                                       
        NOTE: Only lowercases is acceptable.                                                 
        cr4ckalysis> analyse 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8                        
        cr4ckalysis> analyse ./hashes.txt                                                    
        cr4ckalysis> crack 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8 wordlist                 
        cr4ckalysis> crack 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8 wordlist2                
        cr4ckalysis> crack ipv4 ssh                                                          
        cr4ckalysis> crack ipv4 ftp                                                          
        NOTE: Ensure settings have the correct parameters before cracking.                   
        Ensure to have sufficient number of lines in wordlist to get better output.          
        (minimum 50 words)

Parameter Settings

Every parameter in the settings function are modifiable based on users' situation.

cr4ckalysis> ls                                                                              
[*] SETTINGS                                                                                 
wordlist.: ./wordlists/rockyou.txt                                                           
wordlist2: /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt                                              
username.: admin                                                                             
password.: ./testpass.txt                                                                    
hashmode.: MD5

Hash Analysis

The system can recognize and analyse respectable amount of hash algorithms based on user input. The system will then save the analysis result to a text file.

cr4ckalysis> analyse ./testhashes.txt                                                        

[*] File './testhashes.txt'

[*] Analyzing '$2a$08$VPzNKPAY60FsAbnq.c.h5.XTCZtC1z.j3hnlDFGImN9FcpfR1QnLq'...
[+] Blowfish(OpenBSD)
[+] Woltlab Burning Board 4.x
[+] bcrypt
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt

[*] Analyzing 'b7a875fc1ea228b9061041b7cec4bd3c52ab3ce3'...
[+] SHA-1
[+] RIPEMD-160
[+] Blake2b-160
[+] Blake2s-160
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt

[*] Analyzing 'adfb6dd1ab1238afc37acd8ca24c1279f8d46f61907dd842faab35b0cc41c6e8ad84cbdbef4964b8334c22c4985c2387d53bc47e6c3d0940ac962f521a127d9f'...
[+] SHA-512
[+] Whirlpool
[+] SHA3-512
[+] Blake2b-512
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt

[*] Analyzing '1c8bfe8f801d79745c4631d09fff36c82aa37fc4cce4fc946683d7b336b63032'...
[+] SHA-256                                                                                  
[+] RIPEMD-256
[+] SHA3-256
[+] Blake2b-256
[+] Blake2s-256
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing '52690d7a185168de52d1e7271df62ac2f1c6275967942ff1198eeb957ec669ff9a17079eeeac663bb063ca6d3e4f6bff'...                                                                       
[+] SHA-384                                                                                  
[+] SHA3-384
[+] Blake2b-384
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing '$bcrypt-sha256$v=2,t=2b,r=12$n79VH.0Q2TMWmt3Oqt9uku$Kq4Noyk3094Y2QlB8NdRT8SvGiI4ft2'...                                                                                    
[+] bcrypt(SHA-256)                                                                          
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing '$pbkdf2-sha256$29000$w5hzDiHkHEMoxZiTEiLkPA$JVlYyyek5oc0CV.zayIisaW9Mncl7OYnEs49S.vKtLg'...                                                                                
[+] PBKDF2-SHA256(Generic)                                                                   
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing 'bcrypt_sha256$$2b$12$QeWvpi7hQ8cPQBF0LzD4C.89R81AV4PxK0kjVXG73fkLoQxYBundW'...
[+] Django(bcrypt-SHA256)                                                                    
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing 'pbkdf2_sha256$20000$DS20ZOCWTBFN$AFfzg3iC24Pkj5UtEu3O+J8KOVBQvaLVx43D0Wsr4PY='...                                                                                          
[+] Django(PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256)                                                               
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing '$krb5pa$23$user$realm$salt$4e751db65422b2117f7eac7b721932dc8aa0d9966785ecd958f971f622bf5c42dc0c70b532363138363631363132333238383835'...                                    
[+] Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth                                                               
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] Analyzing '161ebd7d45089b3446ee4e0d86dbcf92'...                                          
[+] MD2                                                                                      
[+] MD5
[+] MD4
[+] LM
[+] RIPEMD-128
[+] Blake2b-128
[+] Blake2s-128
[+] Domain Cached Credentials
[+] Domain Cached Credentials 2
[*] Saved analysis to oanalysis.txt
[*] End of file './testhashes.txt'.

General Hash Recovery

In general hash cracking, the wordlist, wordlist2, and hashmode are the parameters that affect the results. Users can insert their own wordlists to depends on their situation. Users can recover the hash by using crack <hash> <wordlist/wordlist2> or crack <./file> <wordlist/wordlist2> after hash analysis. The system will then save the crack results to a text file.


crack <./file> <wordlist/wordlist2>


SSH Credential Recovery

There are three parameters that need to be set for SSH crack which are ipv4, username, and password.

  • set_ipv4 to the victim's IP address.
  • set_uname to a username (if known) or a username file.
  • set_pword to a password (if known) or a password file.
cr4ckalysis> set_ipv4                                                         
[+] Set ipv4 -->                                                              
[+] Command completed successfully.                                                          
cr4ckalysis> set_uname tommy                                                                 
[+] String input: tommy                                                                      
[+] Set username --> tommy                                                                   
[+] Command completed successfully.                                                          
cr4ckalysis> set_pword ./testpass.txt                                                        
[+] File input: ./testpass.txt                                                               
[+] Set password --> ./testpass.txt                                                          
[+] Command completed successfully.                                                          

Now, we can sufficient information to crack SSH credentials by using command crack ipv4 ssh.

cr4ckalysis> crack ipv4 ssh                                               
[*] Checking SSH port state on:                            
[+] SSH status on active (running)                        
[+] Connection successful.                                                
[+] Loading username: tommy                                               
[+] Loading passlist: ./testpass.txt                                      
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password1                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password12                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password2                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password123                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password4                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password133                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password231                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password21                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password1233                         
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password1234                         
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password321                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:Password123                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:Password1                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:Password                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:Password12                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:P@ssword                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:P@ssw0rd                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:p@ssw0rd                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:p@$$w0rd                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:p@s$w0rd                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:Pa$$w0rd                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:P@ssword123                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:passpass                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:mypass123                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:MyPass123                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:123password                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:12password                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:1password                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:1pass                                
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:Password!                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password!                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:passw0rd!!                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password!!                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:p@ssword!                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:P@s$w0rd!                            
[+] Valid credentials found.    [USER]:tommy    [PASS]:password123        
[*] Testing combination (u:p): tommy:password12345                        
[*] Process ended.



FTP Credentials Recovery

Same as SSH, FTP cracking also require the identical parameters. This time, we also can brute force both username and password if none of the credentials are known. Hence, using set_uname, modify to a file full of usernames.

cr4ckalysis> ls                                                           
[*] SETTINGS                                                              
wordlist.: ./wordlists/rockyou.txt                                        
wordlist2: /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt                           
username.: tommy                                                          
password.: ./testpass.txt                                                 
hashmode.: SHA1                                                           
cr4ckalysis> set_uname ./testusers.txt                                    
[+] File input: ./testusers.txt                                           
[+] Set username --> ./testusers.txt                                      
[+] Command completed successfully.

Now, using command crack ipv4 ftp to crack.

cr4ckalysis> crack ipv4 ftp                                               
[*] Checking FTP port state on:                            
[+] FTP status on active (running)                        
[+] Connection successful.                                                
[+] Loading userlist: ./testusers.txt                                     
[+] Loading passlist: ./testpass.txt                                      
[*] Testing combination (u:p): hammond:password                           
[*] Testing combination (u:p): hammond:password1                          
[*] Testing combination (u:p): hammond:password12                         
[*] Testing combination (u:p): hammond:password2                          
------------------<263 lines>------------------                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): jane:password!                             
[*] Testing combination (u:p): jane:passw0rd!!                            
[*] Testing combination (u:p): jane:password!!                            
[+] Valid credentials found.    [USER]:jane     [PASS]:123password        
[*] Testing combination (u:p): jane:p@ssword!                             
[*] Process ended.


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