
An implementation of BIP39 using Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status codecov Carthage Compatible Version License

An implementation of BIP39 in Swift. MnemonicKit supports both English and Chinese mnemonics.

This library is a fork of CKMnemonic. This fork provides several conveniences over the original library, namely:

  • Converting throwing APIs to non-throwing nullable APIs
  • Additional helper methods
  • Code clarity and documentation
  • Additional Testing
  • Support on OSX



TezosKit supports installation via CocoaPods. You can depened on MnemonicKit by adding the following to your Podfile:

pod "MnemonicKit"


If you use Carthage to manage your dependencies, simply add MnemonicKit to your Cartfile:

github "keefertaylor/MnemonicKit"

If you use Carthage to build your dependencies, make sure you have added CryptoSwift.framework to the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section of your target, and have included them in your Carthage framework copying build phase.


Generate a Mnemonic

  let englishMnemonic = Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(strength: 64, language: .english)
  let chineseMnemonic = Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(strength: 128, language: .chinese)

Generate a Mnemonic from a Hex Representation

  let hexRepresentation: String = ...
  let mnemonic = Mnemonic.mnemonicString(from: hexRepresentation)
  print("Mnemonic: \(mnemonic)\nFrom hex string: \(hexRepresentation)")

Generate a Seed String

  let englishMnemonic = Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(strength: 64, language: .english)
  let passphrase: String = ...
  let deterministicSeedString = Mnemonic.deterministicSeedString(from: mnemonicString,
                                                                 passphrase: passphrase,
                                                                 language: .english)
  print("Deterministic Seed String: \(deterministicSeedString)")


I am happy to accept pull requests. If anyone is able to reach the original authors of CKMnemonic, I am happy to merge this library upstream with them.
