Dictionary App by Prince Ikede

Tools used: Android, Runnable, Handler, Dependency Injection, Kotlin, Multithreading, MutableLiveData, Coroutines, MVVM Architecture, Retrofit, Koin, Junit, Mockito, Room Database


  • Edit text for getting user's search word
  • Search button used for searching user's search word
  • Up/Down sort filter for sorting based on thumbs up or thumbs down
  • Clear Filter button for clearing UI (including users entered text)
  • Progress bar to show loading of data
  • Room database for storing data from api calls locally to prevent unnecessary network calls
  • RecycleView for displaying data received from either database or api(if data doesn't exist in the api)
  • Instrumented test to ensure database works properly
  • Unit test to ensure sorting (either by thumbs up or by thumbs down) algorithm works properly
  • Dependency injection using Koin
  • Handler & Runnable for progress bar multithreading

Improvements that can be made:

  • Recycler view could have more styling
  • user tracking and analytics