Another RP bot

This bot have a middleware support
And middleware bot see in pkg/middleware
i m lazy to publish that copy paste code on pypi

This bot on development

why i m spending for this bot time? :>
Who knows

how middleware works here

start here
Triggers all middleware methods name startswith "on_pre_process"
Then triggers with "on_process_" middleware methods

And then you can see "on_post_process" middleware triggering.

And CodeBase of this bot, is a SHIT!
how to run bot
  • Create file in data/configs/data.toml
  • Confugirate this, and go next step
  • Install all requirments from requirements.txt, i hope you know how do this
  • and run bot, use python -m cli discord
    NOTE: Tables in database creates automacli, so dont care about it