Logic circuit simulator

A basic logic circuit simulator written in python3. As the name suggests, it simulates logic circuit

Table of Contents

General Information

  • Logic circuit is a great way to learn how circuit components work.
  • The purpose of this project is to make it easy to learn and understand the basics, without paying for such programs.

Technologies Used


List the ready features here:

  • Easy to use UI
  • Variety of logic blocks
  • Scalable UI


Example screenshot1 Example screenshot2


Clone the project on your local env git clone https://github.com/pikoonfiliq/Logic-Circuit-Simulator.git

Change directory to that of the project cd Logic-Circuit-Simulator

Install required libraries pip install -r requirements.txt


After completing the setup run the program! python main.py

Project Status

Project is: in progress.

Room for Improvement

Room for improvement:

  • ability to export a scheme.
  • Improve program speed.

How it works

In general:

  • When clicking on the screen the program checks if the coordinates of the click coincide with a button, block or anything
  • If clicked on a button, the coresponding button triggers a class of its coresponding function
  • Each block, wire or border dot is saved into a list which is later used to check if a wire is connected, state or coordinates

Logic blocks, wires and border dots:

  • each of the stated above is a class of its own
  • they have their own draw methods, which are called when needed


  • They too are a class
  • They are dynamic - later, when the program is able to save everything on the screen as a block itself, the buttons arrange themselfves in order, color, etc.
  • they too have a draw method