Commentera Api


The commentera api exposes their customers to create communities, where many users could comment on articles, created by customers as the community owners.


You'll need to complete a few installation steps to run the API.

Set up Python

The Commentera API is a Python application, so you'll need a working Python environment to run it.

Python Version

The API currently requires Python 3.11+.

Create a Virtual Environment

It's recommended to create and activate a virtual environment before installing dependencies.

Python offers a built-in method for installing lightweight virtual environments, the venv module. To create a virtual environment with this command:

$ python3 -m <path to virtual environment>

After you've created your new virtual environment, you'll need to activate it in order to ensure subsequent commands use it instead of your system's default Python environment.

$ source .venv/bin/activate

Install Dependencies

After you've created your virtual environment, you'll want to ensure that the correct dependencies are installed.

Run the pip command below to instead dependencies

 $  pip install -r requirements.txt

Initialize Pre-Commit Hooks in the Repository

To configure git to use the API's configured pre-commit hooks (defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml).

Install the Pre-Commit Hook Package with Pip

$ python3 -m pip install pre-commit

$ pre-commit install

api endpoints

Set up Docker

While you can easily perform some tasks (like testing) in a local virtual environment, it is recommended to set up Docker. You can find instructions to install Docker here.

Set up Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for orchestrating Docker containers. If you have installed Docker Desktop, you already have Docker Compose installed. However, if you need to separately install Docker Compose, you can find instructions for installing it here.

Build the database and API containers

If you've never built the API container before (and therefore don't have any build caches in place). Before running the command below.

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Start API manually

  1. Install Required Packages

Install dependencies using the command given above

  1. Create A Database

In order to perform migrations and run the app, you'll need to create a database. you should create a database called commentera To do this, you can use the Postico app or any other Postgresql client of your choice.

  1. Copy .env & set correct values

The easiest way to set all environment variables needed for the API is to copy from sample:

$ cp .env_sample .env

The most important thing is to set DATABASE_URL. DATABASE_URL is mandatory and must be set to successfully run the API.

  1. Copy alembic.ini & check sqlalchemy.url

In order for alembic to successfully run migrations, you'll need to update the sqlalchemy.url line in alembic.ini. An example of alembic.ini has been provided at alembic.ini.example. If you haven't already added your own version of this file, run the following command:

$ cp alembic.ini.example alembic.ini

Then, open alembic.ini in your editor of choice and ensure sqlalchemy.url line is EMPTY. It should look like this:

sqlalchemy.url =

  1. Run Database Migrations

To create the database tables required by this app, the alembic library is provided. It has already been initialized, and if you have updated the alembic.ini file as specified above, you should be able to perform the latest database migrations by simply running:

$ alembic upgrade head

Please keep in mind that these migrations may remove all data from the database and set everything up from zero, so this particular command should never be used in a production environment or in any scenario where you wish for data to persist.

  1. Run Application

To run the application, run the following:

$ python

NOTE: make sure you have your radis server running, by running the command below:

$ redis-server
  1. Seeding the database

Run the command below to seed the database:

$ python

Running tests

You can test by running the command. Make you have your database set-up before running the command below.

$ pytest

api endpoints

API Documentation

Once the application is running, you can view the API documentation by opening in the web browser of your choice.

api endpoints

Test API.

After running the command to seed the database, you use a sample customer alias from the csv and get a token to test the api (The API uses bearer token for authentication). Use the generate_token endpoint. Here is a sample payload.

  "customer_alias": "bbg",

You can get sample user IDs accessing the users/by_customer endpoint. This is a protected endpoint, so don't forget to use the token generated above to access it.

    curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <replace this with token>'