
Optimized markdown images in Astro

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An Astro integration that makes working with images inside markdown easier.

  • Any image source: Now you can use relative or absolute images and view all your markdown images in text editors and on Github
  • Image optimization: Converts all images to newer formats (avif, webp)


  1. Install Siena as a dev dependency:
npm i -D siena
pnpm add -D siena
yarn add -D siena
  1. Add Siena as an Astro integration in Astro config (astro.config.cjs):
import siena from "siena";

// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
	integrations: [siena()]
  1. Add public/.siena to .gitignore:

How it works

It will find all images used in your markdown files, convert it to avif, webp, jpg, store them inside .siena directory (which is inside public or the specified directory), and replace all <img/> with <picture/> elements.


import siena from "siena";

// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
	integrations: [
			loading: "eager"
  • outputDir (string): Where Siena will generate a .siena directory
  • loading (lazy default, eager)