
PHPUnit support for Sublime Text

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


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Phpunitkit is a plugin that provides PHPUnit support in Sublime Text. It provides an abstraction over running tests from the command-line.




  • Zero configuration required; Does the Right Thing
  • Test Suite, Test File, Test Nearest, Test Last, and other commands
  • Supports Composer
  • Supports colour test results (including failure diffs)
  • Jump to next/previous test failure via keybinding F4/Shift+F4
  • Switch File (splits window and puts test case and class under test side by side)
  • Fully customized CLI options configuration


All commands in the Command Palette are prefixed with "PHPUnit: ".

Command Description
Test Suite Runs the whole test suite.
Test File Runs all the tests in the current file test case.
Test Nearest Runs the test nearest to the cursor. A multiple selection can used to used to run several tests at once.
Test Last Runs the last test.
Switch File Splits the window and puts nearest test case and class under test side by side.
Show Results Show the test results panel.
Open Code Coverage Open code coverage in browser.
Toggle Option <option> Toggle PHPUnit CLI options.


OS X Windows / Linux Command
Command+Shift+t Ctrl+Shift+t Test Suite
Command+Shift+r Ctrl+Shift+r Test Nearest
Command+Shift+e Ctrl+Shift+e Test Last
Command+Shift+. Ctrl+Shift+. Switch File
F4 F4 Jump to next failure
Shift+F4 Shift+F4 Jump to previous failure
Vim/Vintage/Vintageous/NeoVintageous Command
,a Test Suite
,T Test File
,t Test Nearest
,l Test Last
,. Switch File


Key Description Type Default
phpunit.options Command-line options to pass to PHPUnit. See PHPUnit usage for an up-to-date list of command-line options. dict {}
phpunit.composer Enable Composer support. If a Composer installed PHPUnit executable is found then it is used to run tests. boolean true
phpunit.save_all_on_run Enable writing out every buffer with changes in active window before running tests. boolean true
phpunit.php_executable Default PHP executable used to run PHPUnit. If not set then the first PHP available found on the system PATH is used. string Uses PHP available on system path
phpunit.php_versions_path Location of .php-version file versions. string ~/.phpenv/versions
phpunit.keymaps Enable the default keymaps. boolean true
phpunit.vi_keymaps Enable the default vi keymaps. boolean true


If a Composer installed PHPUnit executable is found then it is used to run tests, otherwise PHPUnit is assumed to be available via the system path.

To disable running tests via Composer installed PHPUnit: Preferences > Settings

    "phpunit.composer": false

Or disable it per-project: Project > Edit Project

    "settings": {
        "phpunit.composer": false

PHP executable

You can use a default PHP executable for running PHPUnit.

Set it globally: Preferences > Settings

    "phpunit.php_executable": "~/.phpenv/versions/7.x/bin/php"

Or set it per-project: Project > Edit Project

    "settings": {
        "phpunit.php_executable": "~/.phpenv/versions/7.x/bin/php"

PHP versions path

You can specific a location to find different PHP versions for running PHPUnit. The default location is ~/.phpenv/versions. To specify the version to use for your project create a file named .php-version and place it in the root of your project (where the project phpunit.xml configuration file is located). For example a .php-version file with the contents 7.x will mean the PHP executable located at ~/.phpenv/versions/7.x/bin/php will be used to run PHPUnit.

To change the path set it globally: Preferences > Settings

    "phpunit.php_versions_path": "~/.phpenv/versions"

Or set it per-project: Project > Edit Project

    "settings": {
        "phpunit.php_versions_path": "~/.phpenv/versions"


Set them globally: Preferences > Settings

    "phpunit.options": {
        "verbose": true,
        "no-coverage": true,
        "d": [

Or set them per-project: Project > Edit Project

    "settings": {
        "phpunit.options": {
            "verbose": true,
            "no-coverage": true,
            "d": [

Both of the above configurations translate to the following PHPUnit options:

phpunit -d "display_errors=1" -d "xdebug.scream=0" --verbose --no-coverage

It is recommended to use your phpunit.xml configuration file if you want some CLI options to stick around. Place it at the root of your project.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit verbose="true">
        <ini name="display_errors" value="1" />
        <ini name="xdebug.scream" value="0" />
        <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">


Package Control installation

The preferred method of installation is Package Control.

Manual installation

  1. Close Sublime Text.
  2. Download or clone this repository to a directory named phpunitkit in the Sublime Text Packages directory for your platform:
    • Linux: git clone https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpunit.git ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/phpunitkit
    • OS X: git clone https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpunit.git ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/phpunitkit
    • Windows: git clone https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpunit.git %APPDATA%\Sublime/ Text/ 3/Packages/phpunitkit
  3. Done!


Your issue reports and pull requests are welcome.


Debug messages are output to the Console (not the tests results output panel). Open the console: Menu > View > Console or click the icon in the bottom right of the status bar.

Debug messages are disabled by default. To enable them set an environment variable to a non-blank value e.g. SUBLIME_PHPUNIT_DEBUG=y. To disable them set unset it or set it to a blank value e.g. SUBLIME_PHPUNIT_DEBUG=.

For more information on environment variables read What are PATH and other environment variables, and how can I set or use them?


Sublime Text can be started at the Terminal with an exported environment variable.

$ export SUBLIME_PHPUNIT_DEBUG=y; subl

To set the environment permanently set it in ~/.profile (requires restart).


Alternatively, create a debug script (subld) with debugging environment variables enabled.


Sublime Text can be started at the Command Prompt with an exported environment variable.

> set SUBLIME_PHPUNIT_DEBUG=y& "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\subl.exe"

To set the environment permanently set it as a system environment variable (requires restart).

  1. Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings
  2. Advanced > Environment Variables
  3. System variables > New...
  4. Add Variable name SUBLIME_PHPUNIT_DEBUG with Variable value y
  5. Restart Windows


The UnitTesting package is used to run the tests. Install it, open the Command Palette, type "UnitTesting", press Enter and input "phpunitkit" as the package to test.




Based initially on maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests and stuartherbert/sublime-phpunit. Also inspired by janko-m/vim-test.


Released under the BSD 3-Clause License.