- 0
Could not find io.paperdb:paperdb:2.7.2.
#212 opened by abdullah-al-shafi - 1
- 0
Couldn't read/deserialize file /data/user/0/"
#211 opened by 578618770wts - 5
Java 17 causes "InaccessibleObjectException" for ArraysAsListSerializer
#208 opened by tinder-johnbuhanan - 0
- 4
- 1
Convert pt file to csv or display database content
#209 opened by AFgh24 - 1
[ASK] How can view the contents of a PT file
#207 opened by BobFactory - 1
Serialization is broken for Java 8 Date Time classes with api desugaring
#206 opened by filipebrandao - 1
How is the serialization working for everything ?
#205 opened by BobFactory - 1
Issue in android 12
#197 opened by milon27 - 3
- 1
Paper DB Encryption
#199 opened by iammohdzaki - 2
Compatibility test for 2.7.2
#196 opened by pilgr - 0
As a User I want to join back a Group PTT call or an Emergency Call so that I can get back with my callees
#198 opened by aymenbs2 - 2
- 4
- 1
Whenever app is updated or uninstalled the paper db data gets reset or deleted
#192 opened by HarshKothari88 - 4
Paper Db deserialization Issue On App Update
#193 opened by Ahssan18 - 9
IllegalAccessException since AGP 7.0.2 everytime when, defaultValue) is called after, value)
#188 opened by Vall0n - 3
minifyEnabled true is crashing the application when read operation is done after write
#190 opened by AlankritaShah - 1
JCenter getting discontinued
#183 opened by RomanMinenok - 1
Migrate Immediately!!
#186 opened by XiXiongMaoXiong - 1
Crashes the app on update
#185 opened by Alankrita18 - 0
SparseArray not works
#184 opened by developerGM - 1
Using paper library to remember user/admin makes LoginActivity to appear active even when not mentioned during intent transition.
#180 opened by RafiaChy - 0
how to read .pt from assets folder ?
#179 opened by Al-Hussein-96 - 1
How to make sure data is cleared on uninstall?
#178 opened by varundroid - 2
Kotlin version of code?
#175 opened by badoyg - 0
Greylist api on android project
#177 opened by hiperioncn - 1
How to write data without overwriting?
#176 opened by N-1-K-k-1 - 1
How do I delete a specific item from a book?
#174 opened by badoyg - 1
Paper.init() inside custom view
#173 opened by developerGM - 7
PaperDbException while reading
#172 opened by Joseph82 - 0
#171 opened by IgorGanapolsky - 1
Race condition in KeyLocker
#170 opened by Yrlec - 2
- 2
[sample app] AsyncTask or UI Thread Okay?
#160 opened by js-commit - 2
Create DB dir Suggest add lock
#159 opened by vihuela - 1
Need a write complete listener.
#165 opened by Sourav242 - 0
Reading and writting to external storage directory won't work with Android 10
#166 opened by Sourav242 - 2
Method to delete all data
#164 opened by RingoMckraken - 3
Adding proper benchmarking
#158 opened by dobrowins - 1
- 1
How to do Implementation with LiveData?
#163 opened by zakayothuku - 1
Paper integration for PreferenceFragmentCompat
#162 opened by Ditscheridou - 1
Prepackage database
#161 opened by js-commit - 1
Is database deleted when user clear data/cache?
#157 opened by Chrispassold - 2
- 4
saving circle object
#154 opened by MuhammadHassamAli