
Simple SDK wrap for CW Backend

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pillar Wallet SDK

The Pillar Wallet SDK aims to make it easy for developers to get started using Pillar Wallet backend services.


Get Started

Install the npm package:

npm i @pillarwallet/pillarwallet-nodejs-sdk

In your project:

const { PillarSdk } = require('@pillarwallet/pillarwallet-nodejs-sdk');

A quick note on versioning

During the pipeline process, we need to automatically ensure that our version number is unique. To do this, we replace the last patch digit of the package.json's version setting with the current circle CI build number. It's a bit of a hack but it means we don't need to think about the version number before committing + pushing.

For example, if you give us version=2.3.1, and this is picked up by circle's 492nd build job, your package is published as version=2.3.492


IMPORTANT! Complete these steps to use this SDK:

1 - Create An Instance

Instantiate the Pillar SDK, then set the apiUrl (optional) and notificationsUrl (optional).

const pillarSdk = new PillarSdk({
  apiUrl: 'https://localhost:8080',
  notificationsUrl: 'https://localhost:8081',
  investmentsUrl: 'https://localhost:8082',

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
apiUrl URL where API is hosted. String with URL format. e.g. "http://". String Optional
notificationsUrl URL where the Notifications Service is hosted. String with URL format. e.g. "http://". String Optional
investmentsUrl URL where the Investments Service is hosted. String with URL format. e.g. "http://". String Optional

2 - Register the Wallet

To use backend services, register the wallet:


Register the wallet in the backend, create the UserProfile table, and register the wallet in BCX(Blockchain Explorer). Wallet can not be created without username.

const inputParams = {
  fcmToken: 'cMctpybZfwyFTyRJBo4omxpgoF2JWf-tlJc8fB0Swrq0z7',
  privateKey: '3eA19bddb978Db62344Ffba5d37Ba41C83C579173eA19bddb978Db62344Ffba5d37Ba41C83C57917',
  username: 'bob123',

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
fcmToken The Firebase Cloud Message Token of One Wallet. String Required
privateKey Hexadecimal string and 64 characters in length. String Required
username The Username of One Wallet. String Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
accessToken eg. 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiVlx1MDAxNcKbwoNUwoonbFPCu8KhwrYiLCJpYXQiOjE0NDQyNjI1NDMsImV4cCI6MTQ0NDI2MjU2M30.MldruS1PvZaRZIJR4legQaauQ3_DYKxxP2rFnD37Ip4' String
accessTokenExpiresAt 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ' String
refreshToken eg. 'fdb8fdbecf1d03ce5e6125c067733c0d51de209c' String
refreshTokenExpiresAt 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ' String
fcmToken eg. 'cMctpybZfwk:APA9arnIbla0UDSDGs_w7buoP2apxFIzI6YUdSFPLe2ANR-OrFiaAvJ' String
walletId e.g. '6e081b82-dbed-4485-bdbc-a808ad911758' UUID
userId e.g. '7e081b82-cabd-3321-aadd-b443212378bd' UUID

Response And Error

To get the response and error for these methods, use:

try {
 const response = await pillarSdk.wallet.registerAuthServer({
   fcmToken: 'cMctpybZfwyFTyRJBo4omxpgoF2JWf-tlJc8fB0Swrq0z7',
   privateKey: '3eA19bddb978Db62344Ffba5d37Ba41C83C579173eA19bddb978Db62344Ffba5d37Ba41C83C57917',
   username: 'bob123'
 // Use successful response
} catch (e) {
 // Handle unsuccessful response


IMPORTANT! All methods return promises.

Wallet Update


Updates Fcm Token in the backend.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
fcmToken The Firebase Cloud Message Token of One Wallet. String
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'OK' String

Wallet Register Auth Server


Register the wallet in the backend, authentication server(OAuth), create the UserProfile table, and register the wallet in BCX(Blockchain Explorer). Wallet can not be created without username.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
privateKey Hexadecimal string and 64 characters in length. String Required
fcmToken The Firebase Cloud Message Token of One Wallet. String
username The Username of One Wallet. String Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
accessToken eg. 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiVlx1MDAxNcKbwoNUwoonbFPCu8KhwrYiLCJpYXQiOjE0NDQyNjI1NDMsImV4cCI6MTQ0NDI2MjU2M30.MldruS1PvZaRZIJR4legQaauQ3_DYKxxP2rFnD37Ip4' String
accessTokenExpiresAt 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ' String
refreshToken eg. 'fdb8fdbecf1d03ce5e6125c067733c0d51de209c' String
refreshTokenExpiresAt 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ' String
fcmToken eg. 'cMctpybZfwk:APA9arnIbla0UDSDGs_w7buoP2apxFIzI6YUdSFPLe2ANR-OrFiaAvJ' String
walletId e.g. '6e081b82-dbed-4485-bdbc-a808ad911758' UUID
userId e.g. '7e081b82-cabd-3321-aadd-b443212378bd' UUID

Wallet Register Address


Register the specified blockchain address for notifications and for BCX monitoring

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
fcmToken The Firebase Cloud Message Token of One Wallet. String
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
blockchainAddress The blockchain address of one wallet String Required
blockchain The blockchain environment String

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Successfully registered address on BCX' String

Wallet Unregister Address


Unregister the specified blockchain address for notifications and for BCX monitoring

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
blockchainAddress The blockchain address of one wallet String Required
blockchain The blockchain environment String

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Successfully unregistered address on BCX' String

Asset Defaults


Returns a list of assets that are marked as default assets.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Element Description Type
address The Token Address String
decimals The Number of Decimals Integer
description The Token Description String
name The Token Name String
symbol The Token Ticker Symbol String
wallpaperUrl One Predefined Wallpaper For Token String
iconUrl The Token Icon String
patternUrl The Token Icon (bigger) String
email The Token Email String
socialMedia The token's social media. Array
telegram The Token Telegram String
twitter The Token Twitter String
website The Token Website String
whitepaper The Token Whitepaper String
isDefault isDefault Flag for Token Boolean
icos Ico details of one Token. Array

Smart Wallet Register


Register a second wallet in the Backend and register in BCX.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
publicKey Hexadecimal string and 64 characters in length. String Required
fcmToken The Firebase Cloud Message Token of One Wallet. String
ethAddress The ethereum Address of target user String Required

Expected Output

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Name Output/Description Type
result 'success' String
message 'Wallet registered successfully.' String
walletId The Wallet Identifier String
userId The User Identifier Integer
fcmToken The Firebase Cloud Message Token of One Wallet. String

Asset Search


Returns a list of assets that contain the search criteria for name, token symbol, or smart contract hexadecimal address.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
query Search Criteria String Required

Expected Output

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Element Description Type
address The Token Address String
decimals The Number of Decimals Integer
description The Token Description String
name The Token Name String
symbol The Token Ticker Symbol String
wallpaperUrl One Predefined Wallpaper For Token String
iconUrl The Token Icon String
patternUrl The Token Icon (bigger) String
email The Token Email String
socialMedia The token's social media. Array
telegram The Token Telegram String
twitter The Token Twitter String
website The Token Website String
whitepaper The Token Whitepaper String
isDefault isDefault Flag for Token Boolean
icos Ico details of one Token. Array

Asset List


Returns the full list of assets.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Element Description Type
address The Token Address String
decimals The Number of Decimals Integer
description The Token Description String
name The Token Name String
symbol The Token Ticker Symbol String
wallpaperUrl One Predefined Wallpaper For Token String
iconUrl The Token Icon String
patternUrl The Token Icon (bigger) String
email The Token Email String
socialMedia The token's social media. Array
telegram The Token Telegram String
twitter The Token Twitter String
website The Token Website String
whitepaper The Token Whitepaper String
isDefault isDefault Flag for Token Boolean
icos Ico details of one Token. Array

Connection Invite


Creates a connection invitation for a user to create a relationship with another contact.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection invitation was successfully sent' String

Connection v2 Invite


Creates a connection invitation for a user to create a relationship with another contact.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection invitation was successfully sent' String

Connection Accept


Accepts a connection invitation from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
targetUserAccessKey Target User Access Key. String Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection invitation accepted' String

Connection v2 Accept


Accepts a connection invitation from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection invitation accepted' String

Connection Reject


Rejects a connection invitation from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
accessKey The Access Key. String Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection invitation rejected' String

Connection v2 Reject


Rejects a connection invitation from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection invitation rejected' String

Connection Cancel


Cancels a connection invitation from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
accessKey The Access Key. String Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection canceled' String

Connection v2 Cancel


Cancels a connection invitation from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection canceled' String

Connection Block


Blocks/unblocks a connection request from another user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
accessKey The Access Key. String Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
block True/false to block/unblock the connection. Boolean Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection blocked/accepted' String

Connection v2 Block


Blocks/unblocks future communication from another contact.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
block True/false to block/unblock the connection. Boolean Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection status is updated to blocked/accepted' String

Connection v2 Blacklist


Adds/removes a user from another user's blacklist.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
blacklist True/false to add/remove a user to another user's blacklist. Boolean Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'User successfully added to blacklist.' String

Connection Mute


Mutes/unmutes future communication from another contact.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
accessKey The Access Key. String Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
mute True/false to mute/unmute the connection. Boolean Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection status is updated to muted/accepted' String

Connection v2 Mute


Mutes/unmutes future communication from another contact.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
mute True/false to mute/unmute the connection. Boolean Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection status is updated to muted/accepted' String

Connection Disconnect


Disconnects a connection between two users.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
sourceUserAccessKey Source User Access Key. String Required
targetUserAccessKey Target User Access Key. String Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection is successfully disconnected' String

Connection v2 Disconnect


Disconnects a connection between two users.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
targetUserId The Contact User Identifier. UUID Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Connection is successfully disconnected' String

Connection Count


Returns the number of connections a user has

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
userId The User Identifier String
currentConnectionsCount The number of connections with sourceIdentityKey Number
oldConnectionsCount The number of connections to be updated with identity keys Number
newReceivedConnectonsCount The number of connections to not be updated with identity keys Number

Connection Map Identity Keys


Returns an array of user's connection mapped by identity keys

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
identityKeys The Identity Keys of a user. Array Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result A list of connections Array

Connection Update Identity Keys


Updates the connection's identity keys

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
connections The Connections of a user. Array Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result A list of connections Array

Notification List


Provides a list of notifications for a specific wallet user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
fromTimestamp Stamp of Date/Time String (ISO 8601 timestamp format)
type The notification type String
fetchLatest A flag for fetching latest notification Boolean

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String

JSON Notifications with respective values::

Name Description Type
type The User Identifier. UUID
meta The Sources keys support the payload
payload The payload of one notification
createdAt The unix timestamp of one notification

Investments ICO List


Fetch a list of ICOs for a given user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
userId The User's ID String Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
result 'success' String
data List of ICOs [Asset]

Investments Deposit Request


Request deposit account information/credentials from service provider.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
currency The Currency ticker symbols String Required
serviceProvider The ICO providers String

Expected Output

JSON Investments with respective values::

Name Description Type
account Account number Number
iban International bank account number String
bic A bank identifier code String
reference Reference of bank transfer String
beneficiary The person or entity who will receive a payment String
bankName The name of the bank String
currency The Currency ticker symbols String

User Create One Time Password


Create a one-time password for email or phone store it on the user record, then send an email or sms to the wallet user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
smsNotification Indicates if corresponds sms notification or not. If not present email notification is send Boolean

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'One-time password sent.' String
userId The User Identifier. UUID

User Update


Updates data elements on a wallet user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
firstName The User's First Name String Optional
lastName The User's Last Name String Optional
country The User's Country Or Residence String Optional
state The User's State Of Residence String Optional
city The User's City of Residence String Optional
email The User's Email Address String Optional
phone The User's Phone Number String Optional
tagline The User's profile tagline String Optional
taglineStatus Whether the user has completed a tagline for their profile Boolean Optional
userSearchable Whether the user's profile is searchable in the address book Boolean Optional
profileImage The Profile Image of the user String(Url) Optional
betaProgramParticipant Flag to check if user is beta program participant Boolean Optional

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'User was successfully updated' String

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Element Description Type
id The User Identifier UUID
username The Username String
firstName The User's First Name String
lastName The User's Last Name String
email The User's Email Address String
isEmailVerified Flag to Determine If Email Address Is Verified Boolean
emailOneTimePassword Five Digit One Time Password String
phone The User's Phone String
isPhoneVerified Flag to Determine If Phone Number Is Verified String
phoneOneTimePassword Five Digit One Time Password Boolean
country The user's country or residence String
state The user's state of residence String
city The user's city of residence String
phone The user's phone number String
tagline The user's profile tagline String
taglineStatus Whether the user has completed a tagline for their profile Boolean
userSearchable Whether the user's profile is searchable in the address book Boolean
profileImage The profile image of the user String(Url)
icoService Information related to the user's account with a service provider for ICOs. Object
status The user status in the system. String
betaProgramParticipant Flag to check if user is beta program participant Boolean

User Update Notification Preferences


Update notification preferences for given user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
newOffer Activate/Deactivate notification when user receives offers Boolean Optional
newReceipt Activate/Deactivate notification when user receives receipt Boolean Optional
paymentConfirmation Activate/Deactivate notification when payment is confirmed Boolean Optional
paymentStatusUpdate Activate/Deactivate notification whenever the status of payment changes Boolean Optional
profileUpdate Activate/Deactivate notification when user profile where updated Boolean Optional
fundsDeposit Activate/Deactivate notification when funds were deposited in user account Boolean Optional
transactionEvent Activate/Deactivate notification for user transactions Boolean Optional

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Notification preferences were successfully created' String

JSON object with respective values:

Element Description Type
userId The User Identifier UUID
newOffer Activate/Deactivate notification when user receives offers Boolean
newReceipt Activate/Deactivate notification when user receives receipt Boolean
paymentConfirmation Activate/Deactivate notification when payment is confirmed Boolean
paymentStatusUpdate Activate/Deactivate notification whenever the status of payment changes Boolean
profileUpdate Activate/Deactivate notification when user profile where updated Boolean
fundsDeposit Activate/Deactivate notification when funds were deposited in user account Boolean
transactionEvent Activate/Deactivate notification for user transactions Boolean

User Map Contacts Addresses


Maps contacts smart wallet addresses for given user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
contacts An array of contact user information object (contactId, accessKeys?, connectionKeys?) Array Optional

Expected Output

JSON array with respective values:

Element Description Type
userId The Contact User Identifier UUID
smartWallets An array of smart wallet addresses for the contact user Array

User Image by User Id


Get user's profile image using user's ID

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
userId The User Identifier UUID Required

Expected Output

Redirects to an hosted image.

User Upload Profile Image


Saves or updates user's profile image.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'Profile image was successfully uploaded' String
profileImage Image Url String

User Profile Image


Get user's profile image.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
imageName The User Image Identifier. String Required

Expected Output

Redirects to an hosted image.

User Info


Retrieves information on an existing wallet user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Element Description Type
id The User Identifier UUID
username The Username String
firstName The User's First Name String
lastName The User's Last Name String
email The User's Email Address String
isEmailVerified Flag to Determine If Email Address Is Verified Boolean
phone The User's Phone String
isPhoneVerified Flag to Determine If Phone Number Is Verified String
country The user's country or residence String
state The user's state of residence String
city The user's city of residence String
email The user's email address String
tagline The user's profile tagline String
taglineStatus Whether the user has completed a tagline for their profile Boolean
userSearchable Whether the user's profile is searchable in the address book Boolean
profileImage The profile image of the user String(Url)
betaProgramParticipant Flag to check if user is beta program participant Boolean
featureFlags Object with features flags Object

User Info Smart Wallet


Retrieve information from a user and his wallets

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

JSON collection of objects with respective values:

Element Description Type
user An object with information related to the user Object
wallets An array containing the user's wallets Array

User Info by Id


Provides the user data by the target user id and users access keys

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
userAccessKey The current user access key string Required
targetUserAccessKey The current user access key string Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
ethAddress The ethereum Address of target user String
id The target user Identifier UUID
username The target user Username String
firstName The target user's First Name String
lastName The target user's Last Name String
country The target user's country or residence String
state The target user's state of residence String
city The target user's city of residence String
profileImage The profile image of the user String(Url)

User Search


Provides a list of users that contain the search criteria for first or last name, and is not the current wallet user. Also checks if the search string term is at least two characters and if the user allows their profile to be searched.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required
query The Search String String Required

Expected Output

Element Description Type
id The User Identifier UUID
username The Username String
firstName The User's First Name String
lastName The User's Last Name String
country The user's country or residence String
state The user's state of residence String
city The user's city of residence String
profileImage The profile image of the user String(Url)

User Delete


Removes a wallet user profile from the database.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Output Type
result 'success' String
message 'User was successfully deleted' String

User Delete Profile Image


Removes user profile Image from the database.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The Wallet Identifier. UUID Required

Expected Output

HTTP status 204: No Content

User Username Search


Retrieve the userId of an existing wallet user or return not-found. Returns an error message if the username is Inappropriate.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
username Wallet Username String Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type Required
userId The User Identifier UUID Required

Expected Output for Inappropriate username

Name Value
error Bad Request
message Inappropriate username
statusCode 400

User Validate (deprecated)


Retrieve the id of an validated wallet user.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
username Wallet Username String One of username/blockchainAddress required
blockchainAddress User's blockchainAddress String One of username/blockchainAddress required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
id The wallet Identifier UUID
username The Username String
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID

User v2 Validate

pillarSdk.userV2.validate(inputParams, privateKey);

Validates a blockchain address, and returns user and wallet information

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
publicKey Wallet's publicKey String required
blockchainAddress User's blockchainAddress String required
privateKey Wallet's privateKey String required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
username The Username String
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID
profileImage User's profile image String

User Validate Email


Validate a one-time password sent via email.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID Required
oneTimePassword User's one time password String Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
result 'success' String
message 'Email validated.' String
userId The user Identifier UUID

User Validate Phone


Validate a one-time password sent via SMS.

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID Required
oneTimePassword User's one time password String Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
result 'success' String
message 'Phone validated.' String
userId The user Identifier UUID

User Support Hmac


Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
project Identifies the app project, "android" or ios" String Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
status 'success' String
hmac HMAC for Intercom' String

Referral List


Returns a list of referral invitations

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
result 'success' String
data List of Referral Invitations Array

Referral Send Invitation


Sends an invitation through Email or SMS

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID Required
referralLink The Branch.io link to invite the user String Required
email The user's email address to send the invitation String Optional
phone The user's phone to send the invitation String Optional

Expected Output

Name Description Type
result 'success' String
message 'Invitation sent' String
reward Object with token and amount Object

Referral Generate Token


Generates a referral token invitation

Input Parameters

Name Description Type Required
walletId The wallet Identifier UUID Required

Expected Output

Name Description Type
result 'success' String
token 'Generated Token' String



Name Description Type
id Asset ID UUID
name Asset name String
symbol Asset symbol String
address Ethereum address of the Asset String
decimals The number of decimals of the Asset Number
description Asset description String
wallpaperUrl Asset wallpaper URL String (URL)
iconUrl Icon URL String (URL)
email Contact email address for Asset String (Email)
socialMedia A list of social media services [SocialMedia]
website Website address of Asset String (URL)
whitepaper Asset whitepaper String (URL)
isDefault Default token ??? Boolean
icos List of ICO phases [ICO]


Name Description Type
service The social network service String
username The social network account String


Name Description Type
icoStatus 'PENING', 'ACTIVE', 'CLOSED' String
icoPhase The phase of the ICO String
icoAddress The smart contract address of the ICO String
minimumContribution The minimum contribution in the base currency needed to invest in the ICO Number
maximumContribution The maximum contribution in the base currency allowed to invest in the ICO Number
baseCurrency The currency of the ICO String
unitPrice The price per unit in the base currency Number
totalSupply The total number of units available Number
totalLocked The total number of units reserved and purchased Number
supportedCurrencies A comma separated list of accepted currencies String
icoStartingBlockNumber The ICO's starting block number Number
plannedOpeningDate The planned opening date of the ICO Date
icoEndingBlockNumber The ICO's ending block number Number
plannedClosingDate The planned closing date of the ICO Date
nationalityRestriction Indicates if there's a nationality restriction Boolean
nivauraProjectId The ICO ID in the ICO Service Number
links ICO related links [ICOLink]


Name Description Type
name The name of the resource, i.e. Whitepaper String
url The link to the resource String (URL)


Run the test:

npm test



Coding Style Guide

We use the TSLint Config Airbnb Style Guide.


We use Swagger for versioning.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


We use the Pillar Authentication SDK to create signatures.