Event sourcing with pure functions, left fold, pattern match
- aholowko@netguardians
- ansyeowPJ, Selangor, Malaysia
- armdevOptym
- ArturWieczorekIOHK
- ashujadhav123
- barthandPoznań, Poland
- clojj
- csyangchshSuzhou
- ddingcham
- disc99Tokyo
- fmalhe@tidal-engineering
- fwgreenDelray Beach, USA
- graste
- hadielmougyBerlin
- hantsyeTip.io
- jacekmusial@currencycloud / @Visa
- katmossaGdańsk
- kbastaniPhylos.ai
- ktorableneo Slovensko s.r.o.
- MateuszNaKodachReady to work with DDD / CQRS / Event Sourcing / Kotlin / Java / Ruby / Node.js / .NET
- mballoniBrazil
- mmfalcaoRede
- mrozlukaszWarsaw
- norbsonWarsaw, Poland
- oddYoumoni
- pingu1mTODO
- pwittchenDigital Fingerprints
- qubits4allW. Spann Systems Consulting
- renanreismartins
- roberthamel
- scoquelin
- shaheerakhlaqKarachi
- tiarebalbiDublin
- urbanpawel90Wrocław, Poland
- vrachieru
- xala3paFrenetic AI