MongoLogger was created after an immense amount of frustration using Winston to log requests and errors to MongoDB. Nothing was formatted the way I wanted it to be so I created MongoLogger.
An example of a logged document with all features enabled can be found here
Run npm i express-mongo-logger
var mongoLogger = require("express-mongo-logger");
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
mongoConnectionString: "mongodb://<User>:<Password>@<Host>:<Port>/><Database>"
app.get("/", async function (req, res, next) {
res.send(`Hello World!`);
app.get("/404", async function (req, res, next) {
res.status(404).send(`The requested resource cannot be found!`);
By default all requests will be logged. It is highly recommended to define minStatusCode:400
to only log errors.
mongoConnectionString: null, //MongoDB connection String
minStatusCode: 200, //Minimum statuscode to log
excludeHeadersParams: ["Authorization"], //Headers to remove in logs
excludeBodyParams: null, //Body parameters to avoid logging (you should include all password fields at a minimum)
excludeRouteParams: null, //Route parameters to avoid logging
excludeQueryParams: null, //Query parameters to avoid logging
exludeRequestTypes: ["OPTIONS"], //HTTP methods to not log
includeFullRequest: true, //Include the full request object in log
includeFullResponse: true, //Include the full response object in log
extraTopLevelPropsRequest: [], //Add properties from req to the root of the document
extraTopLevelPropsResponse: [], //Add properties from res to the root of the document
normalCollection: "Log", //Collection to store all log events
errorCollection: "ErrorLog", //Collection to store errors
requestTime: true, // Log request time
requestTime_nanoSeconds: false, //Use nanoseconds for requesttime instead of miliseconds
returnError: true, // Send 500 status and response to client