
Simple, controllable Objective-C logging

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Simple, controllable logging for Objective-C.


  • Print message type (INFO, WARNING etc.) as part of message.
  • Print source file name as part of log message.
  • Control log detail by setting a level from 0 to 3 (defined in NSUserDefaults).
  • Selectively enable detailed logging of specific source files (defined in NSUserDefaults).

Example usage:

NMLogInfo(@"App starting"); // in file main.m
NMLogError(@"Bad thing happened: %i", count); // in file MyFile.m

Example output:

2011-12-09 17:08:20.778 MyApp[48717:407] [INFO] main: App Starting
2011-12-09 17:08:20.778 MyApp[48717:407] [ERROR] MyFile: Bad thing happened: 1

NMLog.h provides several macros which function as drop-in replacements for NSLog:

Macro           Label   Level
NMLogError      ERROR   0 
NMLogImportant	INFO    0
NMLogInfo	    INFO    1
NMLogWarning    WARNING 1
NMLogFine       FINE    2
NMLogTiny       TINY    3

You can globally disable all logging by defining NMLOG_DISABLE_ALL in the preprocessor, and you can disable all except Error and Important with NMLOG_DISABLE_INFO.

You can specify the logging level at the console with the NMLogLevel key:

defaults write com.example.app NMLogLevel -int 1

And to specify files for which you want to turn on detailed logging with NMLogFiles:

defaults write com.example.app NMLogFiles -array MyFile MyOtherFile MyThirdFile

Specified names match the file name up to the first dot. So, MyFile would match /User/me/code/MyFile.m.


NMLog started out life as a straight copy of Andrew Pepperrell's APLog. Nick Moore tinkered with it and it morphed into its current form. Some of Andrew's original code is still there mostly intact (specifically, lines 50-57 of NMLog.m, at the time of writing).