PHP version of Yatzy Refactoring Kata

See the top level readme for general information about this Kata. This is the PHP version of the Yatzy Refactoring Kata.

Your task is to score a GIVEN roll in a GIVEN category. You do NOT have to program the random dice rolling. The game is NOT played by letting the computer choose the highest scoring category for a given roll.


The kata uses:


Clone the repository

git clone

Install all the dependencies using composer

cd Yatzy-Refactoring-Kata/php
composer install

Run all the tests

composer test


The kata uses composer to install:


  • src - contains the Yatzy class which need to be refactored.
  • tests - contains the corresponding tests. All the tests are passing, however the tests could be improved.


PHPUnit is pre-configured to run tests. PHPUnit can be run using a composer script. To run the unit tests, from the root of the PHP kata run:

composer test

On Windows a batch file has been created, similar to an alias on Linux/Mac (e.g. alias pu="composer test"), the same PHPUnit composer test can be run:


Tests with Coverage Report

To run all test and generate a html coverage report run:

composer test-coverage

The test-coverage report will be created in /builds, it is best viewed by opening /builds/index.html in your browser.

Code Standard

Easy Coding Standard (ECS) is used to check for style and code standards, PSR-12 is used.

Check Code

To check code, but not fix errors:

composer check-cs

On Windows a batch file has been created, similar to an alias on Linux/Mac (e.g. alias cc="composer check-cs"), the same composer check-cs can be run:


Fix Code

There are many code fixes automatically provided by ECS, if advised to run --fix, the following script can be run:

composer fix-cs

On Windows a batch file has been created, similar to an alias on Linux/Mac (e.g. alias fc="composer fix-cs"), the same composer fix-cs can be run:


Static Analysis

PHPStan is used to run static analysis checks:

composer phpstan

On Windows a batch file has been created, similar to an alias on Linux/Mac (e.g. alias ps="composer phpstan"), the same composer phpstan can be run:


Happy coding!