
This document provides both the how and the why of creating a Pils and Programmering movement.

pils-og-programmering- makefile

Recently we've happily noticed that other Pils & Programmering events are popping up around the world. We therefore built this makefile to give some guidance on how to run a successful Pils and Programmering.

“Vær seriøs, men ikkje alvorlig” (Be earnest about this endeavor, but never stop being playful about it either.).

tl;dr? -> Gather as many it-interested people as you can, be nerdy, be social, create! :)

Visionary goals

We must help people become creators

Too many students drift through their studies not realizing that they can create things. This goes for non-students as well. Knowledge is essential in creating but it is also necessary to have experience in being creative. We want to create an arena for creating, (for greater good) hacking, making new things because we can. Let's just create stuff. Bring on the DIY revolution.

We believe that everybody can learn how to code.

Globally we have a small group of people who can read and write code. Some hundred years ago monks held the technology of writing, writing for the masses. We believe that those who are able to read and write code is our modern day monks wielding a technology that belongs with the masses. Therefore we want Pils & Programmering to both be an arena for high level programming discussions as well as an arena for introducing programming to anyone with an interest in IT.

Coding is just another tool, though a beautiful one.

Programming provides a tool for creating with a relatively low amount of effort. This makes it an ideal tool for making things; Things that didn’t exist before, can be beautiful, can be useful, thought invoking and life changing. Pils & Programmering is also a place for those who are interested in creating things, where coding might just be a necessity.

Diversity, we must have it.

Pils & programmering draws strength from having diversity in its participants. If you lock up a bunch of programmers within a room and have them come up with apps for the public they will often come up with apps that cater to programmers. By including a diverse crowd of it-interested people from all walks of life we hope to spark creations that better fit a diverse crowd. Thus, Pils & Programmering should include all sorts of people namely economists, sociologists, programmers, social antropologists, historians, marine biologists, graphical designers, illustrators, law people, plumbers, carpenters, young people, old people, people. People basically.

This document is not set in stone. Questions, comments, concerns?

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