
A JavaScript class framework for NodeJS based on JavaScriptMVC $.Class and John Resig's Simple JavaScript inheritance.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Uberclass is a class framework based on JavaScriptMVC $.Class and John Resig's Simple JavaScript inheritance for NodeJS. It encourages a hybrid approach between functional and object oriented programming.


  • Prototypal inheritance
  • Static inheritance
  • Setup and initialization methods
  • Easy callback creation

Install and require

You can either use npm

npm install uberclass

Or clone the github repository.

Creating a Class

The following creates a Monster class with static, and prototype members. The prototype init is called as the constructor. Every time a monster instance is created, the static count is incremented:

var Class = require('uberclass');

var Monster = Class.extend(/* @static */ {
  count: 0
/* @prototype */
  init: function( name ) {

    // saves name on the monster instance
    this.name = name;

    // sets the health
    this.health = 10;

    // increments count
  eat: function( smallChildren ){
    this.health += smallChildren;
  fight: function() {
    this.health -= 2;

hydra = new Monster('hydra');
dragon = new Monster('dragon');

console.log(hydra.name)		// -> hydra
console.log(Monster.count)	// -> 2

console.log(hydra.health);	// health = 12

console.log(dagon.health);	// health = 8


When a class is extended, all static and prototype properties are available on the new class. If you overwrite a function, you can call the base class's function by calling this._super. Lets create a SeaMonster class. SeaMonsters are less efficient at eating small children, but more powerful fighters.

var SeaMonster = Monster.extend({
	eat : function(smallChildren)
		this._super(smallChildren / 2);
	fight : function()
		this.health -= 1;

var lochNess = new SeaMonster('Loch Ness');

console.log("Loch Ness ate. Health: " + lochNess.health); // -> 12

console.log("Loch Ness fought. Health: " + lochNess.health); // -> 11


Class provides a proxy function that returns a callback to a method that will always have this set to the class or instance of the class. The following example creates a ResponseHandler class that takes the reponse text and the responses header options as constructor arguments and provides it's handle method as a callback to the http.createServer function:

var Handler = Class.extend({
	init : function(content, headers)
		this._headers = headers;
		this._content = content;
	/* Prototype */
	writeHead : function(response)
		response.writeHead(200, this._headers);
	handle : function(request, response)

var handler = new Handler('Hello World from ResponseHandler\n', { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });

var http = require('http');
http.createServer(handler.proxy('handle')).listen(1337, "");


Just add the class object to your module export:

// my_module.js
module.exports.MyClass = Class.extend({ /* Static */ }, { /* Prototype */ });