In this repo you can find my micropython code, Prometheus config and Grafana dashboard for my home climate monitoring. Hardware used is a wemos D1 mini (ESP8266) with a BMP180 temperature / barometer shield. Because of heattransfer the shield and the wemos are seperated by du-pont cables.
The code for the ESP connects to a wifi access point, starts a webserver and sends the temperature in Celcius and the air pressure in Pascal using a format Prometheus can parse. It does that on the IP address stated in station.ifconfig() at port 8080.
The config file for Prometheus contains several endpoints. Adjust as needed.
The json in the grafana folder can be imported as a start for your own dashboard. It assumes the same endpoints are available as the Prometheus config. This also includes a special endpoint not included in this repo, containing a light sensor and humidity sensor, so remove graphs and queries as needed.
This hobby project is considered finished as per June 2019. This repository is made available as a starting point for your own project. Although I am happy to hear what you have made using this information, I am unable to provide further support.