
Primary LanguageJava

YTS Demo App

Generated Sources

Run Maven compile step to generate DTOs based on Swagger JSON spec resources/swagger/swagger.json

YTS Account Setup

The app needs two keystores to connect successfully to YTS.

  • keystore.p12 - TLS certificate signing
  • signing-keystore.p12 - for access token requests

When you check out the app, it should be possible to run it and make requests to YTS Sandbox.

If you want to generate you own, follow these steps.


Follow the instructions on https://developer.yolt.com/docs/connect-to-yts-tutorial

The steps for Request token public key will result in 2 files:

  • private-key.pem
  • public-key.pem (paste this into Request token public key)

The steps for Mutual TLS certificate signing request will result in 2 files:

  • tls-csr.pem (paste this into Mutual TLS CSR)
  • tls-private-key.pem

After successfully creating a YTS client, copy the content of the text box MUTUAL TLS CERTIFICATE into a new file tls-mutual-certificate.pem.

Generate the .p12 files as follows:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out keystore.p12 -in tls-mutual-certificate.pem -inkey tls-private-key.pem -name demo-app-tls -passout pass:123

openssl pkcs12 -export -out signing-keystore.p12 -inkey private-key.pem -name demo-app-signing -nocerts -passout pass:123

These files need to be placed under resources/tls.


  • client.id- paste the value of CLIENT_ID
  • client.signing.request.token.id - paste the value of REQUEST_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KEY_ID
  • redirect.url.id - paste the value of REDIRECT_URL_ID