- 3
ST7789V Variant?
#31 opened by nebhead - 1
- 0
RST line is not used even when configured
#33 opened by iohugo - 1
Raspotify killer
#28 opened by Brandon-Wass - 7
- 1
support orangepi5 plus?
#29 opened by Natthawe - 4
Package doesn't declare dependencies
#26 opened by tilusnet - 2
using ST7789 library for Mini Display Hat... How do I control the onboard LED?
#20 opened by Nwhitten - 11
Dimming / backlight control on/off
#8 opened by kokosowy - 9
displayhatmini-python/examples/ crash in ST7789/ line 123
#23 opened by PaulskPt - 2
Python vs Python3 apt install
#21 opened by lucasra1 - 1
- 1
What is the last version known working on Python2.7? ("TypeError: Non-Int/Long value in arguments: b66c13c8")
#24 opened by josephernest - 7
DAC audio being lost when using the screen
#9 opened by duracell80 - 2
240x320 image cannot displaying
#15 opened by sangjela - 1
- 30
Please Help!
#3 opened by Zenot1cc - 6
Raspberry Pi 4 st7789 breakout not working
#4 opened by owlhor