
Ansible role to manage libvirt VMs

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Molecule test


  1. Ansible installed:
sudo apt install python3
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
pip3 install ansible
  1. Requirements.yaml installed (this role uses pimvh.cloud_init for templating a cloud-init configuration):
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml

Required variables

Review the variables as shown in defaults.

# additional libvirt pools to created with XML definition
  - name: default
    dir: ""
    # I recommend using a lookup here
    xml: '{{ lookup("file", "pools/default.xml") }}'

# additional libvirt networks to create
  - name: default
    dir: ""
    # I recommend using a lookup here
    xml: '{{ lookup("file", "networks/default.xml") }}'

# Variables to pass to underlying cloud_init role
# Cannot be set per VM
libvirt_cloud_init_add_to_known_hosts: true
libvirt_cloud_init_reboot_on_finish: true
libvirt_cloud_init_custom: false

# do not pass when you do not want ansible pull
  enabled: true # to enable ansible pull
  # these params are skippable if you disable this (enable: false)
  repo_owner: ""
  repo_name: ""
  playbook_name: ""
  deploy_key_name: "Ansible-pull deploy key" # name of the deploy as shown in Github

  enabled: true # to enable SSH CAs
  # these params are skippable if you disable this (enable: false)
  host_ca_privatekey: "" # remember to check whether this has the correct line endings
  host_ca_privatekey_pass: "" # the passphrase of this private key of the host ca
  host_ca_publickey: "" # public key of the host ca
    - "" # list of public keys

  - name: guest-01
    ram: 2048
    disksize: 20
    vcpus: 2
      - vrbr1
    os: ubuntujammy
    pool: default
      url: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily/server/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.img
      hashes_url: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily/server/jammy/current/SHA256SUMS

    # see nested config above
    ansible_pull: "{{ ansible_pull_config }}"
    ssh_ca: "{{ ssh_ca_config }}"

    # passing config like this is easiest (if you want the same across VMs)
    ansible_pull: "{{ ansible_pull_config | combine({'ansible_user_passwd_hash': var_that_holds_password })}}"
    ssh_ca: "{{ ssh_ca_config }}"

    # This will be passed to underlying cloudinit role
      hostname: guest-01
      fqdn: guest-01.example.com
      groups: []
        - name: johndoe
          gecos: John Doe
          shell: /bin/bash
          sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL # Passwordless sudo, can be omitted
          groups: sudo                 # for sudo access
          lock_passwd: false
          # I recommend to use ansible filters for this: {{ guest01_password | password_hash('sha512') }}
          # do not save secrets in plaintext.
          passwd: "passwordhash"
      runcmd: []

    cloud_init_networkdata: # This will be passed to underlying cloudinit role
      # Either define IPs
      ipv4: << ipv4 >>
      ipv6: << ipv6 >>
      # --- OR ---
      # dump an entire netplan
      # like the following
      # netplan:
      #   network:
      #     version: 2
      #     ethernets:
      #       enp1s0:
      #         dhcp4: false
      #         addresses:
      #           - << addr >>
      #         gateway4: << addr >>
      #         gateway6: << addr >>
      #         nameservers:
      #           addresses:
      #           - << dns_server ip >>

Data within cloud_init_userdata and cloud_init_networkdata is passed directly to the underlying role pimvh.cloud_init.

See the README.md of that repository for more information.

Example playbook

  - foo
  - pimvh.libvirt

TLDR - What will happen if I run this

  • Assert required variables are defined
  • Check if required variables are defined for a VM
  • Fetch required image.
  • Add the required networks and pools
  • Generating a cloud-init config (see underlying role)
  • Create VM.
  • Reboot the VM when requested.

Future Improvements

  • clean up the cloud_init configuration