
Ansible role to configure Unbound

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Molecule test


  1. Ansible installed:
sudo apt install python3
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
pip3 install ansible

Required variables

Review the variables as shown in defaults. Most have sensible defaults, you probably want to override some.

You probably want to pass interfaces, and additional access controls

  - ""
  - "::1"
  - << another IP here >>
  - << another IP here >>

unbound_dns_port: "53"
unbound_do_ipv4: "yes"
unbound_do_ipv6: "yes"
unbound_forward_tls_upstream: "no"
unbound_prefer_ipv6: "yes"
unbound_do_udp: "yes"
unbound_do_tcp: "yes"
unbound_verbosity: "0"
unbound_log_queries: "no"
unbound_log_replies: "no"
unbound_log_tag_queryreply: "no"
unbound_log_local_actions: "no"
unbound_log_servfail: "no"
  - "home.lan"

# Only give access to recursion clients from LAN IPs
  - cidr_range:
    action: allow
  - cidr_range:
    action: allow
  - cidr_range:
    action: allow
  - cidr_range:
    action: allow
  - cidr_range:
    action: allow
  - cidr_range: fc00::/7
    action: allow
  - cidr_range: ::1/128
    action: allow
  - cidr_range: << allow another range >>
    action: allow

unbound_local_zones: []

# or with values;
# unbound_local_zones:
#   - name: mydomain.lan
#     type: nodefault
#   - name: .10.in-addr.arpa.
#     type: nodefault'

unbound_stub_zones: []
# or with values:
# unbound_stub_zones:
#   - name: "mydomain.lan"
#     secure: false
#     addr: "<< ip addr >>@53"

unbound_forward_zones: {}

# or with values:
# unbound_forward_zones:
# dot configure everything else
#   - name: "<< zone name to forward >>"
#     forward_addrs: []
#     forward_hosts:
#       - # host to forward to
#   - name: "."  # or forward everthing like t
#     either can be empty
#     forward_addrs:
#       - # to these addresses
#     forward_hosts:
#       - # or hosts

The Ansible playbook will validate whether the variables exist that you defined before running.

Example playbook

  - foo
  - pimvh.unbound

TLDR - What will happen if I run this

  • validate whether rules/some other variables are defined.
  • create service that monthly pulls in the root hints.
  • install unbound, when unbound_install.
  • push config.
  • point systemd-resolved of that system to unbound first.
  • verify whether Unbound resolved a domain.
