
Final project

Primary LanguagePython

Colorize B&W Manga


pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Collect images of anime:

    Open an anime and implement screenshot

     python screenshot.py

    We need at least 600 images.

  • CNN.ver

    Train agent with 240 images by different models:

     cd CNN.ver
     python training.py [option]
     	--alpha			alpha_v2 model
     	--beta			beta_v2 model
     	--embed_vgg16	embed_vgg16 model

    Infer images in Test with this agent:

     cd CNN.ver
     python infer.py
  • UNET.ver

    Train agent with 240 images by different models:

     cd UNET.ver
     python training.py [option]
     	--unet			unet_vgg16 model
     	--best			best version

    Infer images in Test with this agent:

     cd UNET.ver
     python infer.py


Color anime image which is changed to grayscale.

Oringinal CNN beta_v2 U-net LeakReLU (best version)

Color manga.

Oringinal U-net LeakReLU (best version) App on Internet
manga (5)


  1. https://emilwallner.medium.com/colorize-b-w-photos-with-a-100-line-neural-network-53d9b4449f8d

  2. https://towardsdatascience.com/unet-line-by-line-explanation-9b191c76baf5