
For detailed discussion you can follolw this blog


1. This notebook contains simulation starting from single layer circuit to 15 layers circuit.

2. all the circuits has been put together by looping over the no. of layers, and finally overall plot of minimum distance as a function of no. of layers in the specific circuit has been shown (no seperate plot for each circuit has been shown here, its in the next one)

3. Notebook is also available at Kaggle


1. This one contains simulation starting from single layer circuit upto 12 layers circuit.

2. Seperate cells has been dedicated for each circuit, where distance calculated after each iteration of optimization process has been printed and plotted also.

3. Finally in the last part, information like minimum distance from all circuits has been put together and plotted as a fucntion of no. of layers in the circuit.

4. Notbook is also available at Kaggle