
Bootcamp graduates feel a little overwhelmed after they graduate. bootCampHub was created by us to help "green" coders be part of a community that shares resources to improve coding, study concepts, and pose questions to the community.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bootcamp graduates feel a little overwhelmed after they graduate. bootCampHub was created by us to help "green" coders be part of a community that shares resources to improve coding, study concepts, and pose questions to the community.

Getting started

Our website has both a register and login page for you to sign up or go back from where you left off. We provided a resources page to show videos with some coding or anything that you might not understand or need a step by step tutorial on. Also, we have a blog page for you to add articles that might interest/help other coders or look up previous articles saved. Lastly, we took the initiative to have a support bot on your side through our chat widget. Our chat widget is ultimately there to help fix techinical issues and soon able to talk to other coders.


Check it out here: https://cryptic-meadow-05044.herokuapp.com/


Clone our repo and use the sever localhost:3000 to start it up


• heroku deployment issues

• github branch issues

• database not storing information and/or connecting to server and client side


• The heroku issued was solved by clearing out the proxy 504 error, refreshing the page, and making sure the client and server had the right packages downloaded

• The github branch issues were fixed with making sure we followed specific git commands in a specific order:

git add -A

git stash

git checkout master

git pull origin master

git checkout YourBranchName

git merge master

git stash pop

Built With

• React Redux

• MongoDB

• Heroku


• Codepen.io

• React

• react-chat-widget

• Express

• Nodejs

• Youtube API

• Passportjs

• Balsamiq

• Validator

• MD Bootsrap

• Axios

• Bycrypt

• Mongoose


• Tsarina

• Alexis

• Pinar

• Zhane