Pinned issues
- 0
Call for Maintainers
#141 opened by paltman - 8
- 0
Django admin escapes sharable urls
#139 opened by tartieret - 0
OperationalError at /blog/
#136 opened by omidshojaee - 5
- 0
Why is image set required when creating a blog post?
#134 opened by indrif - 2
Add biblion to pinax-blog migration
#85 opened by paltman - 1
- 4
Fix migration for unique slugs
#86 opened by paltman - 1
Can't run project with npm run dev
#126 opened by JediKnightChan - 12
Provide help for title and description
#51 opened by paltman - 3
Add support for Wagtail integration
#114 opened by paltman - 0
Can't login to django-admin
#127 opened by agunghernanda17 - 2
Wrong URL for images (via pinax-images)
#124 opened by sumpfralle - 2
RuntimeErorr on the very first migration
#88 opened by vleong2332 - 0 recursive-include and xml/html
#125 opened by KatherineMichel - 3
- 2
Image inline Admin for new post not registering
#121 opened by doktormerlin - 5
What is the best way to enable per-user blogs?
#77 opened by paltman - 0
- 0
Add image support to frontend editing
#97 opened by paltman - 4
Primary image not loading
#113 opened by escullz - 1
Add view feature for Blog Post
#116 opened by adnan-alam - 4
N+1 query in BlogIndexView
#104 opened by pjmcdermott - 6
js missing in packaging
#112 opened by shaib - 5
need add pinax.images as dependence in INSTALLED_APPS (write it to document,pls)
#99 opened by ruandao - 1
Templates Missing
#109 opened by sathishs-dev - 1
- 1
Missing on_delete argument, first migration fail
#106 opened by Hugodby - 4
- 1
Got error when install - blog.Post.image_set: (fields.E300) Field defines a relation with model 'ImageSet'
#98 opened by wyx2000 - 6
Support front-end creation and editing of posts
#62 opened by jtauber - 7
Assume HTML in summary
#63 opened by jtauber - 0
Make the primary image selection easier
#49 opened by paltman - 2
Make sure HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE on feeds is honoured
#61 opened by jtauber - 0
Unlock pytz version dependency pytz>=2015.7?
#90 opened by senoadiw - 2
NoReverseMatch hitting feed
#83 opened by jtauber - 3
NoReverseMatch at /admin/blog/post/
#84 opened by garcianavalon - 3
Can't run app
#80 opened by gopar - 4
Allow setting of publication date other than now
#74 opened by jtauber - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 2
improve feed updated calculation
#58 opened by jtauber - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Document Image Markup
#47 opened by paltman