
:mag: Heroku add-ons utilities.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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🔍 Heroku add-ons utilities.

© Leung Cho Pan/123RF.COM


  • Java 8 or later
    • Android Java has not been supported, because the add-on is for server apps on Heroku

Getting started

The library is published to Maven Central. Please replace $latest_version below with the actual version.

repositories {

depepdencies {
    implementation "moe.pine:heroku-addons:$latest_version"

Notes on the old versions

The old versions < 0.3.2 had been published to jcenter, but jcenter is scheduled to end.

Please use the newer versions that are published to Maven Central.

Supported add-ons

Don' you find what you need? We look forward to your contribution 😄


If you want to use Heroku Redis add-on, please use the code as following.

import moe.pine.heroku.addons.HerokuRedis;

final HerokuRedis redis = HerokuRedis.get();
if (redis != null) {
    System.out.println("Host     : " + redis.getHost());
    System.out.println("Password : " + redis.getPassword());
    System.out.println("Port     : " + redis.getPort());



$ ./gradlew clean test

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$ ./gradlew clean publish


MIT © Pine Mizune