Image search

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to build an image search engine using Pinecone and the CLIP model. We'll use a small dataset of images (included in this repository) and show how to embed and index them in Pinecone. We'll then show how to query the index to find similar images. Finally, we'll demonstrate upserting and deleting images and their vector embeddings.


To complete this tutorial, you'll need a Pinecone account. If you don't have one yet, you can sign up for free at

You'll also need Node.js and npm installed. You can download Node.js from

Required configuration

In order to run this example, you have to supply the Pinecone credentials needed to interact with the Pinecone API. You can find these credentials in the Pinecone web console under API Keys. This project uses dotenv to easily load values from the .env file into the environment when executing.

Copy the template file:

cp .env.example .env

And fill in your API key and index name:


PINECONE_INDEX is the name of the index where this demo will store and query embeddings. You can change PINECONE_INDEX to any name you like, but make sure the name not going to collide with any indexes you are already using.

PINECONE_CLOUD and PINECONE_REGION define where the index should be deployed. Currently, this is the only available cloud and region combination (aws and us-west-2), so it's recommended to leave them defaulted.


You can see the full list of dependencies in the package.json file, but the main ones are:

  1. Pinecone - the Pinecone SDK for Node.js
  2. Transformer.js - a library for embedding images using a pre-trained model
  3. Express.js - a web framework for Node.js used to build the API
  4. React.js - a JavaScript library for building the user interface

To install the dependencies, run:

npm install

The CLIP model

The CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) model was developed by OpenAI that connects images and text in a unique way. Unlike previous models that were trained on one or the other, CLIP is trained on a variety of internet text paired with images. The model learns to understand and generate meaningful responses about images based on the context provided by the associated text.

This allows for sophisticated image search capabilities; you can find images based on a textual description or even use a detailed phrase to search for a specific type of image. The model's ability to create a shared embedding space for images and text means that CLIP can convert an image into a vector that can be indexed and searched within a vector database, like Pinecone.

Indexing the images

Let's start by taking a look at the top level indexImages function. The function will:

  1. Create an index in Pinecone if it doesn't already exist, and wait until it's ready to be used. The CLIP model we'll be using for embedding the images has an embedding size of 512, so we'll use that as the dimension of the index.
  2. Initialize the image embedding model
  3. Retrieve the list of all the images in the data folder
  4. embed the images and upsert them into the index
const indexImages = async () => {
  try {
    // Create the index if it doesn't already exist
    const indexList = await pinecone.listIndexes();
    if (indexList.indexOf({ name: indexName }) === -1) {
      await pinecone.createIndex({
        name: indexName,
        dimension: 512,
        waitUntilReady: true,

    await embedder.init("Xenova/clip-vit-base-patch32");
    const imagePaths = await listFiles("./data");
    await embedAndUpsert({ imagePaths, chunkSize: 100 });
  } catch (error) {
    throw error;

Now let's break the embedding process up a bit. The Embedder class is initialized using the AutoModel, AutoTokenizer and AutoProcessor which automatically defines the model, tokenizer and processor based on the model name. The embed function takes an image path and returns the embedding. The embedBatch function takes a batch of image paths and calls the onDoneBatch callback with the embeddings. For the ID of the embedding, we use the MD5 hash of the image path.

In this example, we're not going to use any text inputs, so we just pass an empty string as the input to the tokenizer.

class Embedder {
  private processor: Processor;

  private model: PreTrainedModel;

  private tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer;

  async init(modelName: string) {
    // Load the model, tokenizer and processor
    this.model = await AutoModel.from_pretrained(modelName);
    this.tokenizer = await AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(modelName);
    this.processor = await AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(modelName);

  // Embeds an image and returns the embedding
  async embed(
    imagePath: string,
    metadata?: RecordMetadata
  ): Promise<PineconeRecord> {
    try {
      // Load the image
      const image = await;
      // Prepare the image and text inputs
      const image_inputs = await this.processor(image);
      const text_inputs = this.tokenizer([""], {
        padding: true,
        truncation: true,
      // Embed the image
      const output = await this.model({ ...text_inputs, ...image_inputs });
      const { image_embeds } = output;
      const { data: embeddings } = image_embeds;

      // Create an id for the image
      const id = createHash("md5").update(imagePath).digest("hex");

      // Return the embedding in a format ready for Pinecone
      return {
        metadata: metadata || {
        values: Array.from(embeddings) as number[],
    } catch (e) {
      console.log(`Error embedding image, ${e}`);
      throw e;

  // Embeds a batch of documents and calls onDoneBatch with the embeddings
  async embedBatch(
    imagePaths: string[],
    batchSize: number,
    onDoneBatch: (embeddings: PineconeRecord[]) => void
  ) {
    const batches = sliceIntoChunks<string>(imagePaths, batchSize);
    for (const batch of batches) {
      const embeddings = await Promise.all( => this.embed(imagePath))
      await onDoneBatch(embeddings);

The embedAndUpsert function takes a list of image paths and a chunk size, and proceeds to embed and upsert these images in chunks:

async function embedAndUpsert({
}: {
  imagePaths: string[];
  chunkSize: number;
}) {
  // Chunk the image paths into batches of size chunkSize
  const chunkGenerator = chunkArray(imagePaths, chunkSize);

  // Get the index
  const index = pinecone.index(indexName);

  // Embed each batch and upsert the embeddings into the index
  for await (const imagePaths of chunkGenerator) {
    await embedder.embedBatch(
      async (embeddings: PineconeRecord[]) => {
        await chunkedUpsert(index, embeddings, "default");

We expose the indexImages function in the index.ts file, which is called when the server starts, under the /indexImages route. We'll call it later on from our UI.

Querying the index

In order to easily present the results of our image query, we created a simple UI using React. The UI will present a set of images and allow us to select one of them. The query will then return the most similar images to the selected image.

Once an image is selected, it's path will be sent to the /search endpoint, which will query the index and return the results. The query function will:

  1. Initialize the embedder with the same model used for indexing
  2. Embed the selected image
  3. Use the embedding to query the index
  4. Return the matching images and their respective scores
type Metadata = {
  imagePath: string;

const indexName = getEnv("PINECONE_INDEX");
const pinecone = new Pinecone();
const index = pinecone.index<Metadata>(indexName);

await embedder.init("Xenova/clip-vit-base-patch32");

const queryImages = async (imagePath: string) => {
  const queryEmbedding = await embedder.embed(imagePath);
  const queryResult = await index.namespace("default").query({
    vector: queryEmbedding.values,
    includeMetadata: true,
    includeValues: true,
    topK: 6,
  return queryResult.matches?.map((match) => {
    const metadata = match.metadata;
    return {
      src: metadata ? metadata.imagePath : "",
      score: match.score,

The application

The application is a simple React app that allows us to select an image and query the index for similar images. The app is served by the Express server, which also exposes the /search, /indexImages, /upsertImages, and /deleteImage endpoints.

The front end paginates the query results and displays them in a grid. The main App component renders the UI and calls the /search endpoint when an image is selected.

When an image is clicked, we call the following function:

const handleImageClick = async (imagePath: string) => {
  const response = await fetch(
  const matchingImages: SearchResult[] = await response.json();

When uploading a new image, we reuse the embedAndUpsert function to embed and upsert the image into the index. The new image is immediately queryable without needing to rebuild the index. This data freshness is a major advantage of using a vector database like Pinecone.

To delete an image, we call the /deleteImage endpoint with the image path. We need to find the imageʼs Pinecone ID before deleting the vector embedding. We can then remove the vector embedding from the index.

And here's the final result: