- 0
[misc]: Every of my files are deleted
#1112 opened by anuragstudent - 0
docs: update remix export
#1110 opened by benzend - 0
[Bug]: Deleting all rows on a page throws an exception
#1101 opened by PlagueFPS - 3
- 2
[bug]: React version conflict
#1100 opened by Razamindset - 2
[misc]: Commas in file name break the original file name upon download (and loss of file extension).
#1052 opened by MGSimard - 3
Public URL Access Issue for Uploaded Files
#1077 opened by VikingQueen85 - 5
[bug]: failure to upload image in upload thing
#1079 opened by joywin2003 - 5
- 5
bug: type error in route config when using input
#1071 opened by mmmoli - 5
feat: Python Support
#1087 opened by omarshehab221 - 9
[misc]: UploadThingError: Failed to parse response from UploadThing server in NEXTJS PAGES ROUTER
#1092 opened by simplymtd - 1
- 2
feat: Add integration to Vercel/Next.js!
#1089 opened by ftzi - 3
feat: a way to pass token from headers
#1062 opened by zbeyens - 5
feat: support tailwind v4
#1075 opened by juliusmarminge - 1
feat: Search by key in web UI
#1083 opened by devklepacki - 1
docs: adding openAPI spec json/yaml to the docs
#1084 opened by aymaneallaoui - 7
- 1
[Bug]: Profile image change failure
#1082 opened by nmktad - 6
- 2
- 4
[Bug]: Infinite Redirect
#1069 opened by anuragstudent - 1
- 1
[misc]: XHR failed 400 - {"error":"Failed to verify URL"}
#1065 opened by Sw0xy - 3
uploadthings working in localhost but not working in production in react: client version mismatch
#1036 opened by Nischal-Ad - 0
[Bug]: Search not setting pagination state correctly.
#1051 opened by MGSimard - 2
bug(`@uploadthing/expo`): uploading `File` objects results in 0 bytes uploaded
#1057 opened by mandrillxx - 3
[misc]: nextjs 15 metadata opengraph card image returns invalid content type
#1054 opened by MajidNjozi - 0
- 0
[bug]: zod transforms not typed properly
#1040 opened by PatrikTrefil - 9
[bug]: Expo broken on v7
#999 opened by juliesaia-vendora - 2
- 1
docs: Using withUt with storybook in next.js
#1023 opened by acharlop - 0
- 3
[bug]: Svelte createUploader -> onClientUploadComplete broken in production. Package is unusable clientside. (@uploadthing/svelte 7.0.3)
#1020 opened by Pascaltib - 1
[bug]: Garbage broke my code
#1024 opened by 0x1337z - 2
[Bug]: Can't create project free or paid
#1025 opened by renatogalvones - 3
- 2
[bug]: I am facing an issue while trying to use @uploadthings/react package for production. When I build my project due to error in node_module my project couldn’t build
#1021 opened by Nischal-Ad - 1
[bug]: 'req' in middleware for Sveltekit has changed and types are wrong (since migrating to v7)
#1019 opened by Pascaltib - 3
feat: Specify allowed file extensions directly on component (allow user overload of accept field)
#992 opened by raunakdoesdev - 5
[bug]: Nuxt: Invalid server configuration
#1014 opened by ngajhede - 1
[misc]: Easter egg or mishap on 404 page?
#1003 opened by zanzlender - 1
- 3
docs: OpenAPI HTTP1.1 example code is invalid
#983 opened by EmilyNyx - 5
[misc]: UploadThing REST API Question/Problem
#996 opened by camenduru - 1
> What errors are you getting?
#1004 opened by mihirDP - 1
- 1
feat: Development and Production Mode (like Clerk)
#994 opened by ryderhorne