paleio is a collaboration chat. with file sharing. and invitations. and syntax highlight. and image preview. SUPPORTED BROWSERS: - chrome 18 - safari 5 - firefox 11 MAIN DEPENDENCIES: - rvm with ruby 1.9.2-p290 - rails 3.2.2 - postgresql 9.1 - redis 2.x - devise 2.0.4 - eventmachine em-websocket 0.3.6 - bluepill 0.6.0 - requirejs - backbone 0.9.1 - bootstrap 2.0.1 INSTALLATION: - check INSTALL for a quick setup with VirtualBox and Debian. SCREENSHOT: - TODO: - support multiple accounts - specs and consequent refactor - replace bluepill+open4 - user and channel management (with permissions) - channel history navigation and search - no websockets support fallback - heroku installation (with pusher addon)