This version of the game consists of 3 phases.
- Placing 4 islands on your opponent's board: they won't be able to place ships won't on those positions.
- Placing your own ships. The ships have the following properties:
Type | Length | Amount |
CARRIER | 5 | 1 |
BATTLESHIP | 4 | 2 |
CRUISER | 3 | 3 |
DESTROYER | 2 | 4 |
The board is 10x10 and ships ARE allowed to touch.
- Shooting eachothers boards.
We advise you to base your bot on one of these provided starter bots:
- Java starter bot: here
- Python starter bot: see the exampleBot directory
You can run your bot by running the
script in the framework directory.
Don't forget to also start the server if you want to test locally.
In this directory you will also find a config file. By changing it you can configure:
- The name of your team
- Whether to enable the clientside visualiser (sudo apt-get install python3-tk)
- Whether to write the bot stderr to a file (you can use this to debug your bot)
- Where to connect to the server (you probably won't need to change this)
- What command to run to run your bot.
If you have any questions, you can approach Ward, Nick or Yannick.
Have fun!