MeowMeow BokBok Advanture

ITCS424's term project. A mobile application written in Flutter that uses Unity in the game part.

Getting started


  • Flutter (tested on 3.7.0 on Dart 2.19.0)
  • Unity3D (tested on 2021.3.22f1)
  • Whole Android build tools (NDK, JAVA)
  • Firebase
  • A lot of time (because you gonna failed to build it a lot)

Install Photon

Follow instructions on the to connect to Photon.

Installation process

Unity app compilation

  1. Clone our Unity project from this link.
  2. Follow the Setup of juicycleff/flutter-unity-view-widget for android to get android/unityLibrary.

Firebase Realtime database setup

You may open Firebase Realtime database yourself, have a look in realtime database tutorial for flutter.


(We recommended to) Connect the android phone to the computer.

For debug build

flutter run

The application can't ran on system with x86 architecture (if you persist, you can run on arm64 emulator from android studio which is painfully slow).


  • 6388003 Phuriwat Angkoondittaphong
  • 6388102 Napahatai Sittirit