Members who take part in this project:
Nawat Ngern-Anantaporn 6388034
Napahatai Sittirit 6388102

In this assignment, we decided to create a simple mini game in space theme via p5js. The mechanics are as follow:
1.	The player is a blue spaceship, starting at the lower left corner of the game. The player controls the spaceship with WASD and dash with Spacebar.
2.	If the player hit the meteors, game is over. The player needs to avoid all meteors falling from the top of the screen at all costs. (dash is recommended since it help you escape faster, but it may be somewhat difficult to use)
3.	Each space gems earns the player 1 score. The player needs to collect them as muchas they can. 
4.	The game starts with 10 space gems. If the player manages to collect more than 8, the game will keep generate new space gems until the game is over.
5.	Once the game is over, the player is announced dead and the final score is displayed. 

We use library which allows us to do sprite sheet animations easily. The graphics in this project is created by Unlucky Studio who allows anyone to use this art for free.