
Clojure library for Feedback Control

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Control theory applied to core.async. Following examples and discussion from the "Feedback Control for Computer Systems" book published by O'Reilly.


Coming soon ;)

Creating a process

A process consumes values from an input channel and produces output for an output channel. feedback.processes aims to make this a little easier:

(ns user
  (:require [feedback.processes :refer (defprocess)]
            [core.async :refer (<! >! go-loop)]))
(defprocess say-hello [in-ch out-ch]
  (go-loop [m (<! in-ch)]
    (when m
      (>! out-ch (str "Hello" m))
      (recur (<! in-ch)))))

;; start the process

;; consume the process output
(go-loop [m (<! say-hello)]
  (when m
    (println "Received:" m)
    (recur (<! say-hello))))

;; put some values to be handled by our say-hello process
(put! say-hello "Peter")
(put! say-hello "Paul")

To do:

  • Process chaining
  • Channel re-wiring for process dependencies


Copyright © 2014 Paul Ingles

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.