
my golang solution for leetcode

Primary LanguageGo


Golang is great, leetcode is awesome. Learning Golang by solve interesting algorithms in leetcode is such a geek way to go!!

  • put this package inside your GOPATH

  • in order to run all tests the sub directory, you will need to use command go test ./... from the root directory of this project.

An import path is a pattern if it includes one or more "..." wildcards, each of which can match any string, including the empty string and strings containing slashes.

Such a pattern expands to all package directories found in the GOPATH trees with names matching the patterns.

As a special case, x/... matches x as well as x's subdirectories.
For example, net/... expands to net and packages in its subdirectories.

How to run individual test?

go test -test.run=TestMinimumTotal ./src/120 for example. To see the fmt.Println result inside the method, use -test.v