
The stuff that seems to be missing from dotnet Core.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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Library with classes for the stuff you would otherwise build in every single project.

We target NetStandard2.0 to include as many .NET runtimes as possible, while still having access to as many features as possible (see Microsoft's version matrix).

Go to documentation - preview features are available on the preview docs site


We use SemVer, which means you can depend on RapidCore version <major>.*

It also means that while the major version is 0, the APIs should be considered unstable.


The library is split into multiple packages (based on external dependencies).

RapidCore (the base library)

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RapidCore classes for Google Cloud Platform that depend on various SDKs.

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RapidCore classes that depend on MongoDB.

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RapidCore classes that depend on PostgreSql.

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RapidCore classes that depend on SqlServer.

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RapidCore classes that depend on Redis.

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Contains helper stuff for writing xunit tests.

Current features

  • Provides an ILoggerFactory extension for adding an ILogger that writes to the xunit output buffer. Simply issue: LogFactory.AddXunitOutput(output) passing it the ITestOutputHelper instance

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Notes for devs

Start by running docker-compose up -d.


The documentation is available with live-reload at http://localhost:8000.


We scan the code using SonarCloud.